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Monday, May 14, 2018

Mike Kelly blasts Maxine Waters as ‘incredibly divisive’ after fiery House debate

Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), also the owner of a car dealership, doubled down on his argument that the automotive industry does not discriminate against women or people of color after a fiery exchange on Friday with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) on the House floor.

“We’re talking about thousands and thousands of auto dealers and millions of people who work in the industry, and making a broad statement that these are people who discriminate against non-white buyers,” the Pennsylvania Republican told FOX Business’ Neil Cavuto during an interview on Saturday. “This is absolutely preposterous.”



  1. Maxine thinks Obama is still president.

  2. I recently purchased a new truck. Wish this had happened earlier. I would have gone to his place for it no matter what brand he sells.

  3. Maxine lives in Hillary's alternative universe. She has no idea what is real and what is imagined.

    Poor thing needs to be put down...


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