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Friday, May 18, 2018

Migrant Calls Host Racist, Says “Women Should Be Slaughtered If They Don’t Shut Up”

A migrant exploded with rage after being told dinner was over as reported by Sweden’s Fria Tider.

Two supervisors of the state-approved housing unit explained to the migrant he returned too late and missed the evening's dinner.

The Afghan migrant became livid and channeled his rage at the female worker.

“He said he would fuck her and her whole family as well as kill her,” said a witness. He also said she was “racist.”

During his outburst, he invoked how his father would handle his plight.



  1. Lol this is what OBAMA DEMs want in AMERICA paid for by George Soros.

  2. How's that assimilation going for ya?

  3. The sweds will be wearing burquas soon thank Soros.


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