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Monday, May 07, 2018

Live longer: One of Britain’s oldest people, age 110, praises ONIONS for her long life

ONE of Britain’s oldest people has turned 110, saying her long life is thanks to friends...and onions. Daisy Bastin puts her longevity down to the combination, saying: “I am very lucky in my life to have had such loyal friends and to still be in good health.”

She added home cooking with fresh onions had helped too.

She said: “They keep me going. They’re good for the skin too.”

Mrs Bastin, of Glastonbury, Somerset, was born on May 3, 1908, in Devon as one of seven children.

She met her husband Alf in 1933 and they were happily married for 50 years.



  1. Well good. My McDouble comes with onions.

  2. Dont want too see your skin at 110 if you eat at McDonalds. Who knows if those onions are fake or fresh.


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