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Saturday, May 05, 2018

Liberal Idiots!


  1. The white race is under assault world wide

  2. Please explain who commits the other 76%. I don't understand.

  3. And blacks are only 12.9% of the population.

  4. White men without guns are some of the biggest victims of crimes committed by black people with guns, but that's probably on the other side of the sign, just to be fair, right?

  5. Let's take a look back at the most prominent mass shooters. What are most of them? White males. I think that's the point they're going for.

    1. Yes, why don't YOU look at All the mass Killers. You will find that white males are not the only ones committing that crime.

      Start working on your bias and racism and look for the truth and not what you have been told.

      Too many people don't think for themselves or do any research. But they will repeat what they hear if it is pleasing to their itching ears.

  6. @ 11:49 the point they are going for is not accuracy but to slander all White people in a larger attempt to dehumanize and de-legitimize whites it's purely racist.

  7. Keep believing the liberal lies that hold you down. This proud white mad can only tell you the truth. its up to you to start thinking for yourselves.

  8. All I see are targets.

    For hanging, of course.
    I'll bet some of you cheerleaders had already started dialing the FBI.

  9. you need a gun if you run into those two with the sign!

  10. The greatest truth ever told . Give the Devil a Gun and thinks he is God Give him a gun ,night stick and a badge them he really thinks he is the Almighty.


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