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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Let’s Cut Through the BS About Central Bank Balance Sheet Reduction

Let’s cut through the BS about Central Bank Balance Sheet reduction.

There. Is. No. Exit.

Once a Central Bank begins to employ ZIRP and QE for years at a time, there is no going back. If you don’t believe me, take a look at Japan.

As I outlined in my book The Everything Bubble: the Endgame For Central Bank Policy,Japan is ground zero for Central Bank monetary insanity. The Fed first employed ZIRP and QE in 2008. Japan went to ZIRP in 1999. It launched its first QE program in 2000.

And it never looked back.

There were brief periods in which the Bank of Japan would NOT employ QE. But as soon as Japan’s economic data turned south… you guessed it… MORE QE... and not for a month or two... this has been going on for 18 years.

The end result is that today the Bank of Japan’s balance sheet is roughly the size of the country’s GDP.



  1. The international banking dynastic families know this information very well. There is no pretension of stopping the credit expansion (money printing). Fiat currencies were created to be debased. That is the intention. It is a massive fraud perpetuated against the people. It is alchemy, majik of the highest order.

    Learn the truth about the Fed - The Creature from Jekyl Island

  2. The Fed is the Central Bank of the world
    The US Dollar is the reserve currency
    It is protected by the worlds largest military and millions of loyal American men and women who are willing to die for it.

    They will print this currency until the cows come home and buy the world’s natural resources with a worthless fiat paper.

    Nothing any country can do about it
    If they complain the US will bomb them into the Stone Age. Just ask Iraq, Afghanistan, Lydia, Syria

  3. This facet of the NWO rainbow agenda scares me the most. Clinton and bush set us up very well for this disaster. When do they plan to implement the collapse? When they get our guns is my bet

  4. PRISON for "we, the people".

    What about our "leaders" who are, even today, spending money they don't have, have accountants making numbers up, and promising to "change things"?

    THEY just bought another house and steered a multimillion dollar contract to their brother-in-law. YOU fight for your life in cellblock 5.

    You can't seem to stop cheering these snakes.
    If nothing else does, THIS will lead to riots and chaos.
    What do you think millions of people will do when bread and milk is $35 and a tank of oil is $1500 in the middle of winter???
    They'll find it cheaper elesewhere, like maybe at your house.
    And thanks to your "leaders", most of you will be begging for your life.
    It will be a time of "no mercy".
    Better have somne guns and know how to use them.

    Keep cheering.


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