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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Judicial Watch: ‘Obama can still be impeached’

'If anyone needs to be on the dock, it would be' former president

If Congress is considering impeachment charges related to the 2016 election, they should center not on President Trump but on former President Obama “and his Nixonian use of various agencies to target candidate Trump,” contends Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“If there is anyone who needs to be on the dock, it would be President Obama,” he said in an interview Monday with WND.

Fitton’s organization, with 30 lawsuits already in motion, has relentlessly pursued documents and communications related to the Obama administration’s investigation of alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign through Freedom of Information Act requests.

“The very nature of the activity suggests President Obama would have been advised and approved of the counter-intelligence/spy operation against candidate Trump,” Fitton said.



  1. Let Obama gather up more rope to hang himself and his cohorts. It's going to be a lot of rope.

  2. Don't talk about it FO IT.

  3. Hang him next to SOROS.

  4. Hey maxi lets put that to the floor!!!impeach obama Now. He was not my president and deserve no protection from SS. The real criminal in all this mess IS OBAMA!!!

  5. Could he face a firing squad instead? Less money and the good President Donald J. Trump is all about making a great deal.

  6. Does anyone remember what happened to the seal team that got Osama and was killed sometime afterward? I could be wrong but I think they were set up and allowed to be "targeted" for payback. Any ideas?

    1. they were killed by terrorist with Obama links

  7. Talk, talk, talk.


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