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Friday, May 25, 2018

Judge Jeanine: Jeff Sessions Is 'the Most Dangerous Man in America

During her Saturday opening statement for “Justice” on Fox News Channel, Jeanine Pirro blasted Attorney General Jeff Sessions, calling him the “most dangerous man in America” because he has “done nothing to make anyone responsible for the blatant corruption” seen from the 2016 election.

“[Jeff Sessions] has done nothing to make anyone responsible for the blatant corruption, the unmistakable perjury, the in-your-face obstruction of our laws that we’ve seen play out every day. He has fought the release of telling documents that will put an end to this horrible period in America’s political history.

“This man has done nothing to create confidence that wrongdoers will be accountable, answerable. He has done nothing to create confidence on the part of the American people on our system of justice. And with all the power and might of the Department of Justice behind him, he continues to do nothing. He refuses to take them out in cuffs.”



  1. The NSA (and, therefore, his enemies, too) has SOMETHING on him and he is squirming like a snake to stay out of the spotlight and under the radar.
    Republicans (like me) SCREAMED when Holder wouldn't enforce certain laws.
    NOW, we got another one, just like him. Only the targets changed, but the powers behind the power are making sure
    Two Sets of Laws
    hold their sway.
    All you people who thought "your guy" was the one who would change things.
    All they do is stupid crap like make it against the law to ride a bike with one hand and such.
    I can name AT LEAST a half a dozen of obama's people who have, without question, violated some serious laws. No question. At all.
    You or I (we, the people) would already be IN PRISON for the very same crimes and it wouldn't take a 2 year investigation to file charges, nor would they let me make "adjustments" to any evidence before I turned it in.
    I wouldn't be able to FILM someone destroying evidence and still stay a free man.
    Many of you goofs cheer?!
    ALL of the powers of the most technologically advanced country in history were brought to bear in a CONSPIRACY (ever heard of RICO, boys??) by the ruling party to swing a Presidential election!! Thats what it was all about
    and nothing less. It is beyond incredible....
    hillary still gives speeches? She should be giving inmates pep talks.

    Keep cheering.

  2. The corrupt looking out for the corrupt and hoping to delay until the president is out then it will just go away to the way it was.

  3. I agree with the Judge.


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