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Saturday, May 05, 2018

John Kerry 'secretly met with top Iranian official in clandestine diplomatic push to undermine Trump and salvage nuclear deal'

  • Kerry reportedly met with Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif two weeks ago at UN
  • He is working to salvage the nuclear deal with Iran that he helped Obama craft
  • Former secretary of state has been in whirlwind of meetings with EU officials too
  • Trump is threatening to reimpose sanction on Iran on the deal's May 12 deadline
Former Secretary of State John Kerry has reportedly engaged in clandestine diplomacy with a top Iranian official in an attempt to salvage the nuclear deal framework.

Kerry, who brokered the Iran deal for the Obama administration, met with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif about two weeks ago at the United Nations in Manhattan, a person briefed on the meetings told the Boston Globe.

The meeting was their second in two weeks, and came amid a whirlwind of meetings between Kerry and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, European Union official Federica Mogherini, and French President Emmanuel Macron.



  1. Kerry is an a$$hat!!

  2. Kerry can't even ride a bicycle without falling off and breaking something! They should have pulled blood and urine samples, but he was intoxicated or stoned!

  3. Why do these former administration people think it's OK to do this crap? Isn't there anything they can be charged with? Sedition? It's unprecedented manipulation & undermining of a duly elected sitting President, & blatant disregard of the will of we the people! Absolutely sickening behaviour!


    Arrest him upon his return to the country and no bond.
    Give him a taste of "consequences".
    Then, after a year or so of fighting for his life (if he survives), walk him outside, shake his hand, say "thanks for nothing", and hang him.
    An AMERICAN goes to our enemy to consult with them on how to subvert an American President???
    Does he know what they plan to do with nuclear weapons?
    He takes naive and stupid to new lows.
    Keep cheering.

  5. That asshat should be behind bars with the rest of his commies. This should not be surprising to any of you that know his history. Hell look what he did in VietNam he along with Jane Fonda..freaking traitors.....Swift boats

  6. Kerry needs to be investigated by the Trump Administration and tried as a Traitor. Then he should face the firing squad.

    Sad thing is Trump and the RINO GOP are afraid to do any investigation of a Democrat, but the Swamp Deep State is quick to bring Trump down.


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