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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

It’s Not the AR-15 or the ‘High Capacity’ Magazine, but the Gun-Free Zone

A broadly applicable lesson from the Santa Fe High School shooting is that our nation’s school safety threat does not come from AR-15s or “high capacity” magazines, but from gun-free zones.

This was clearly demonstrated Friday when an attacker opened fire with what Gov. Greg Abbott (R) described as “a shotgun and … a .38 revolver.”

He killed ten people and wounded ten others in a heinous display of evil, and the commonality between this attack and attacks that came before it was not an AR-15 or a “high capacity” magazine, but a gun-free zone. The Santa Fe High School weapons policy not only prohibits firearms and ammunition, but even “look-alike” weapons, BB guns, and “pocketknives.”

A similar gun-free policy exists at Parkland, Florida’s Marjory Stoneman High School, the site of the February 14 shooting that claimed the lives of 17 people, and gun-free policies also existed at Umpqua Community College (October 1, 2015), Sandy Hook Elementary School (December 14, 2012), Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007), and Columbine (April 20, 1999).

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  1. I have been saying this for years this is all being done to go after the NRA they don't want kids protected they want to use them for there SICK AGENDA.

  2. If you have a wear and carry, concealed carry license you should be allowed to carry it anywhere a Police Officer carries. You are certified the same so why are we restricted?

  3. 4:21.....why??


    Because an armed people are more difficult to push around.
    They can't have that.
    AND, they have a small army to make sure you toe the line or go to prison for carrying a gun.
    While THEY carry one and have a bunch of other people carry them, too. To make sure THEY don't get robbed or murdered.
    YOU?? On your own. Run. Throw something at them. Block a door.
    Maybe...LOL....call the police.
    Your "leader"? At home, cleaning his 9mm., whistling a happy tune.
    You? Dead. But the report will be FANTASTIC!
    Stop believing you need another man's PERMISSION (!!?) to defend yourself against people who can't even spell their own name or want what you have WORKED for...
    They also don't give a crap about your kid getting killed, either. They actually LIKE it -- it furthers their agenda of fear and control.
    Sometimes, serfs gotta die.

    Keep cheering.


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