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Sunday, May 06, 2018

Is The City of Salisbury Renting This Lot From Salisbury University?

I promised someone on Facebook I would no longer call Mayor Day and Idiot, so, Jake, are you renting this newly owned former tax paying property from the University to store these bikes. 

If you look close enough you'll see there are a TON more of these bikes on that lot in the background.  


  1. yesterday on the cbs morning news they did an expose' on the "litter bikes " issue.


  2. He is an idiot.

  3. Heard from several participants that the marathon was very disappointing and poorly handled.
    An idiot is as an idiot does.

  4. "i would no longer call Mayor Day AND idiot".

    oh, the irony.

  5. I actually thought it the best one yet, as did many of my fellow participants. My opinion (and my fellow participants) counts for more since we were there, whereas, your only involvement is repeating street talk that you may or may not have heard.

  6. The marathon was handled by a hired professional third party. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad for a first effort.

  7. If you would do your homework you would realize the answer to your question. Spins is a private venture between Salisbury University and the company Spins. The city is not renting this space or have anything to do with it.

  8. 10:36 AM Hmmm and what did that cost us? Don't we have 3 high paid festival people that are supposed to handle this stuff???

  9. The bikes are probably for the Folk Festival.

  10. What's this, a bone yard for junk bikes?

  11. go drive around SU's east campus where the new stadium is - you'll see a lot of those bikes just laying around.

  12. In about 2-3 weeks you won't need or will there be many of those bikes around. The bike rental program will flat-line for 2-3 months. not sure it'll come back?

  13. at 10:36. Are you saying this was the first marathon that the hired professional 3rd party has ever done? If it wasn't then there is no excuse for doing a so so job.

  14. There are several in back yards in my neighborhood and haven't been moved in weeks.

  15. Have you noticed that the countless beggars/bagabons/hobos are using the bikes as well? Was hit outside chipotles last week. They can cover more area now, more effective and efficient begging can be had. Democrat progress!

  16. How can you call the marathon a success when you once again relied on the county and another cities help to provide the law enforcement assistance? How can you call anything Jake day is trying to advance his social credibility when the city has existing debt that they are refusing to pay?? How can ANY I'd this garbage be considered a success if you have to go into the cities reserve funds to make it happen?? How can you call it a success if it caters to 1200 participants that the majority don't live in the area and aren't subjected to decaying roads, raised water and sewer rates etc?? How can any venture the city proposes be considered a success until ALL the existing problems are addressed??

  17. Where are the rental helmets ? Who is liable when someone cracks their pumpkin riding these clunkers ?


  18. Golly, them thar bikes must reely b poplar if they gotta keep em locked up like that.

  19. More bikes over by the "zoo" and the med center.


    May 7, 2018 @ 2:40 AM

    It's 2:40 AM and Station 1 and Paramedic 1 is being dispatched for a shooting at 218 Hall Drive. Reported that SPD is on the scene and the scene is secure

    Paramedic 1 advises Responding at 2:41 AM

    Truck 2 advises Responding at 2:43 AM

    Central tells Paramedic A-1 to Contact the office public service please(don't know what the secret is that they can't say it over the air.)

    Another shooting in Salisbury. I guess Jake Day is going to have this one classified as an "Assault" again. Can't have the Foke Festivus Peoples find out that Salisbury is the most crime-ridden small town in the Country.

    Paramedic 1 advises on location at 2:47 AM.

    Truck 1 advises on location 121 A has command at 2:47 AM

    Took them long enough to get there and Paramedic 1 had a 2-minute jump on the Truck with the sleepy head Firemen. What's up with that?

    Hall Drive Command advises to Central under Control. Central advise PRMC that we have a 6-year-old trauma Priority 1 @ 2:56 AM. Sounds like he said 6 year old? WTH is up with a 6-year-old getting shot?

    Paramedic A-1 advises Transporting and upgrading staffing to 4 at 3:00 AM. Thirteen minutes on scene with a shooting is extremely way too long. If they have 4 people in that ambulance there is no reason that one person could drive and the other 3 work on the patient. They aren't doing surgery so there isn't any reason this wasn't a Load and Go scenario. That is basic trauma life support. Stay and play isn't an option when you have a shooting, especially if it is a 6-year-old. The only treatment required is a backboard, oxygen, IV, and attach to the heart monitor. Why couldn't they do that en route to the hospital and allow that patient to have at least 5 more minutes for real doctors to save the patients life?

    Hall Drive Command advises Truck 1 is en route to the hospital unavailable at 3:02 AM

    Paramedic A-1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 5 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Truck 1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 3 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Paramedic 1 gets to the hospital in 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets there in 3 minutes?? WTH is up with that?? Truck 1 is supposed to drive to the hospital without lights and siren and follow all rules of the road. Paramedic 1 is required to respond to the hospital with lights and siren because it is a priority 1 patient and it takes them 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets to the hospital in 3 minutes and they should have been driving the speed limit?? Those are the facts, ladies and gentleman. I am working at another station and wide awake and documenting this call. Something is wrong with this picture!!

    This is why Salisbury needs another Fire Chief that has real EMS experience. Maybe it's time to hire outside the department again!


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