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Thursday, May 10, 2018

In Eric Schneiderman’s Fall, Trump Resistance Loses ‘Ringleader’

Just two weeks ago, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was coming off a legal victory against the Trump administration’s deregulatory agenda for fuel efficiency standards.

“As we’ve proven again and again, when the Trump administration puts special interests before public health and our environment, we’ll take them to court—and we will win,” Schneiderman saidApril 23.

And Saturday, Schneiderman boasted about taking on the Trump administration in a tweet with comic book art presenting him as a superhero.



  1. What a jerk if it is true. Just amazing. I am befuddled - Sweep your own back porch before you critize your neighbors. Something like that.

  2. Now we know where the so called sex scandal againt President Trump originated. Move on .org. Need I say more?


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