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Monday, May 28, 2018



  1. England and there English Muslim Mayor are DOOMED Once a great power now POWERLESS.

  2. It cut off the ending where he says "yes".

  3. The liberal or Muslim judge is clearly not fit for the bench, actually he’s not fit for mainstream society. Hope they get him. Gone.

  4. Those who are giving away England are not loyal to England. They are known as the House of Judah. They are utterly international. They care not for any race but their own. They are like their father, Satan. They are liars.

  5. Wake up white people, this sounds exactly like what's happening in the United States of America. And, I am black.

  6. As in all stories there are two sides. Over twenty years ago while traveling in the English countryside an.older gentleman explained London’s ever growing foreign population to me. He said that whole families would move into a house and while those working days slept at night the other family members who worked nights slept in the vacated beds. They pooled their money to buy little grocery stores and then worked hard to buy another store or dry cleaners or produce stands etc. The British citizens were not interested in working that hard and spent their time in the pubs and enjoying life. Now they complain because London has many stores and properties owned by “ foreign” people.
    The bottom line is that these so called foreign people worked hard and made something for their families and now some working class Brits feel they have been robbed. The gentleman that told me this lived with his daughter and her husband who owned the local pub.
    He believed that hard work was rewarded and he felt that London would have fewer Englishman in the future as they had so many people who would rather be on the dole than take a job they felt was beneath them.
    Now that is the part of the story that sounds familiar in the U.S.


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