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Monday, May 28, 2018

'I Hate My Mom's Phone & I Wish She Never Had One'

A Louisiana second-grader's homework assignment is going viral and making parents across the nation question if they spend too much time on their cell phones.

Teacher Jen Adams Beason wrote in a since-deleted Facebook post that she assigned her students to write about an invention they wish had never been created.

She posted an essay in which one of her students picked the cell phone.

"I don't like the phone because my [parents] are on their phone every day ... I hate my mom's phone and I wish she never had one," the student wrote.

More here



  1. Every parent should see this. There is NOTHING more important on your phone than your kids.

  2. Well most kids are on THEIR phones. It's the only way most parents communicate with them.

  3. Fresh out of the mouth of babes'!

  4. Smart little second grader


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