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Monday, May 07, 2018

'I Blame Obama'

Candace Owens blasted former President Barack Obama on Sunday, saying that he caused "damage" to race relations in the United States during his two terms in office.

Owens, communications director for Turning Point USA, said that conservative African-Americans have long been ignored.

She became involved in a national political conversation after rapper Kanye West voiced his support of her in April, saying, "I love the way Candace Owens thinks."

"It’s been so black and white, the conversation, and I blame [Barack] Obama," Owens said on "Fox & Friends."

"His eight years in office did a lot of damage in terms of race relations in this country."

"Hillary [Clinton] didn't help much when she kept calling everybody racist and sexist, so the language has changed and the rhetoric has changed," Owens said.

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  1. Finally someone that speaks the truth

  2. Trump needs to watch his back with Kanye . . . just sayin'

    1. I dont think anyone is taking Kanye too seriously after he suggested slavery was a choice..

  3. Yes, yes he did! Serious damage!

  4. I blame obammy too, for a lot of things

  5. Obama responsible for something? Nooooo....

  6. Like a white woman carrying a BLM banner.

  7. Of course the snowflake liberals are attacking her.

  8. Kanye is just trying to stay current, I don't think he cares who is in the White House. What he is doing is actually smart but next week he will do something else.

  9. She's 110% correct. HE was supposed to be the UIC (Uniter in Chief).
    All he did was stir up the race pot to use race as an identifier for political gain.
    Look at how many republican politicians and Trump supporters are being blamed as 'racist'. That didn't really start until Obama got into the White House.
    How many whites voted for Obama? Obviously a lot, or he would not have won.
    Now, how many blacks voted for Trump? Anyone, anyone....
    Yeah, now who's racist?
    Stirring the pot worked. He (along with Hillary) cast Trump and his supporters as deplorable racists. And it worked for the most part.

  10. Such people as Candace needs support from white people.
    Whites can get away with thinking differently. Blacks can't.

    Mr Bob


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