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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

How The FBI And CIA Restarted The Cold War To Protect Themselves

On December 29, 2016, the Obama Administration – with three weeks remaining in its term – issued harsh sanctions against Russia over supposed election interference. Two compounds in the United States were closed and 35 Russian diplomats were ordered to leave the country.

Russia responded by calling the actions “Cold War déjà vu.”

In the two years that have elapsed since, it has been learned that the “intelligence” that formed the basis for the sanctions was beyond dubious.

A single unverified “dossier” compiled by an ex-British spy with no discernable connections to Russia was shopped to FISA judges and the media as something real.



  1. Should be of no surprise progressive leftist democrats worship satan the father of lies and deception

  2. Lift thr Russian sanctions. They make great AK"s


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