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Monday, May 14, 2018

Hillary Clinton: Large Portion of U.S. 'Uneasy,' 'Angry' About Women Seeking Power

This week in Australia during an interview with Julia Gillard, Australia’s first female prime minister, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said there was still “a very large proportion of the population” that she said was uneasy with women in positions of leadership.

Clinton said, “There is still a very large proportion of the population that is uneasy with women in positions of leadership, and so the easiest way to kind of avoid having to look at someone on her merits is to dismiss her on her looks.”

When asked about the “lock her up” chants, Clinton added, “There is this fear, there is this anger, even rage about women seeking power, women exercising power, and people fall back on these attacks, like you’re a witch or you should go to prison, or whatever it is. And the enthusiasm with which that is generated speaks to a much deeper sense of alienation that people still have toward woman leaders. It’s not a majority, thank goodness, it’s not, but it’s a very vocal minority, at least in my country. And sometimes these tropes are very much part of the press coverage.”



  1. No were uneasy about Hillary assuming power. That's why she lost. Now just go away.

  2. Yeah, Hillary, let's talk about "very vocal minorities."

  3. Clinton said women are not judged on merit but are judged by their looks. Well I guess Margret Thatcher & Golda Meir(?) were real hot babes.

  4. Only Democrats / liberals voting against CIA nominee

  5. Keep flippin it Hildabeast, keep waggin that dog!

  6. Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. We are not afraid of women in power, they are everywhere. We're afraid of what you would do to our great country. Back to. A d have a glass of wine.

  7. What is it with her, Nance and Aunt Maxine? They must be smoking some seriously good sh*t. Maybe the doctors gave her some after her last fall in the bathroom.


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