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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Hillary Clinton: I Gave 'Some Thought' To Leaving Country After Trump Won

Still won’t go away despite Dem calls to do so

Hillary Clinton said she considered leaving the United States after Donald Trump won the presidency.

Speaking in New Zealand on her worldwide tour to promote her book “What Happened,” Clinton reflected before a crowd of 3,000 people how she dealt with her loss.

“I’m still proud of the campaign we ran and the 65.8 million Americans who supported it,” she said during a speech on Monday. “So when people ask me ‘how are you doing?’ I say, well as a person I’m okay. But as an American, I’m concerned.”

She then joked that she received invitations to move to New Zealand.

“I must say I really did appreciate the offers,” she said. “Gave them some thought.”

“But I’m going to stay put because we have work to do in my country as well.”



  1. Mainly to escape jail time.

  2. Move to RUSSIA.

  3. Why did she not leave the US? She needs the US money to hide in her Canada and other Countries Banks away from US taxes.

  4. Take your ass and go! Take those other Hollywood freaks with you!

  5. Don't think anymore about it clinton just leave. It would heaven here in the US if she and every single person who voted for her left the country clinton (and obama) supporters are the rankest things to ever walk the face of the earth. Nasty degenerates who not ever and will not ever contribute anything postive to society. They are all pathological liars who lie about everything except calling themselves nasty. Nasty gross and putrid they are-all of them. You support the democrats and you are scum. The lowest form of life.

  6. I wish she would go ahead and leave the country, you will not be missed Hillary, matter of fact you would make alot of people happy if you would just leave and stfu!

  7. Well, and then there's that ankle bracelet they slapped on your leg...

  8. Wish she would and take Soros, Obama and the Pedesta brothers with her and Bill.

  9. While she's out there hawking her book, she's hobnobbing with the same people who were international donors to her campaign and her foundation. Plus, it's all tax deductible as a business expense.

  10. She had more people attend her book tour talk then she did for her own campaign events! What a joke!

  11. Can you folks imagine if this deranged drunken idiot made President?

  12. She doesn't have to go that far-just leave the political stage.

  13. 65.8 million, half of which were dead double voted or illegals. Cannot be that many morons in this country. If so I'm Leaving


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