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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Hillary and Comey Are the Same Person

The "public servants" who put themselves first.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

Hillary Clinton is 5’4. Former FBI boss James Comey is 6’8. But they have one important thing in common.

Both Clinton and Comey put themselves first.

Hillary launched her spiteful book tour without any regard for what it would do to her party. No amount of frustration from her fellow Democrats would dissuade her from cashing in and lashing out at her enemies. And no amount of frustration from fellow FBI agents, including Comey’s own Bureau confidants, could dissuade him from cashing in and lashing out at Trump across a thousand talk shows.

Hillary Clinton’s book tour damaged Dem prospects. Comey’s book tour harms the investigation. Its entire existenceviolates FBI rules. Much as Clinton’s book hurt her likely Dem successors.

But both bitter book tours are the work of selfish, spiteful and egotistical people who don’t care how much damage they do to the allies who trusted them as long as they make money and settle scores.



  1. Comey is 6'8"??? No way!

  2. If Hillary and Comey are the same person then why does Hillary have testicles and Comey doesn't?

  3. Hillary launched her spiteful book tour without any regard for what it would do to her party

    ANd thats what it is ALL about. The party. They don't give a rats behind about the citizens. It is ALL about the party


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