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Monday, May 21, 2018

Female Officer Fatally Shot In Baltimore County; Police Searching For Shooter

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A Baltimore County Police Department officer has been fatally shot in Perry Hall Monday afternoon.

Police say the shooting happened near Bel Air Rd. and Klausmier Rd. According to reports, the officer was shot in the head.

Nearby residents are being told to shelter in place as police continue to search for the shooter.



  1. I bet they have every cop, on duty and off, and surround area cops looking for this person, but they won't even consider that for the average person who gets shot...

    Oh but they are hero's right? more than EMS or Firefighters right? more than the military right?? Because cops are put in danger every day right? As opposed to living and being and fighting in a damn war and war zone right???

    Again, the cops making it us vs them every time they go above and beyond for their cohorts versus the citizens that pay their salary... There wouldn't even be an issue with most people even if cops are corrupt as long as they did to us as they did to their fellow officers... Like when they shoot you, they just watch you bleed out and maybe will call EMS for you, and if they do, they have to wait 20 minutes so they can get 10 cops to stack like swat and face every direction to move in an handcuff your dead body... But if a cop gets shot, or they shot a undercover, they run head over heals, and even start crying that they had been shot, and they will bring in helicopters and 5 EMS to help the guy, yes I know that 5 is an arbitrary number to show you they don't give a damn about you the average citizen...

    1. For gods sake dude, you know nothing about this lady. It is a$$holes like you that have diarrhea of the mouth that are to damn lazy to research anything and just spout off without knowing anything other than you hate cops

    2. 4:51. is a sick puppy.

    3. 4:51 is absolutely right. I will not be attending the pity party either

  2. A Concealed carry holder i bet... Sarcasm off.

    Sarcasm back on

    It is very sad, but Not much sympathy here when they do not even allow us to right to protect ourselves!!

  3. 4:51 PM: Are you saying that, if you get shot, putting a statement on some internet site is ok for you. If not, please educate the rest of us just how and why you want as much or better coverage.

  4. 451 yes to alll your questions. Not that statistical data matters to you but more cops are dying then US soldiers last year and this year.

  5. "Shelter in place" love that one! They don't say that in states where people carry, don't have to.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I bet they have every cop, on duty and off, and surround area cops looking for this person, but they won't even consider that for the average person who gets shot...

    Oh but they are hero's right? more than EMS or Firefighters right? more than the military right?? Because cops are put in danger every day right? As opposed to living and being and fighting in a damn war and war zone right???

    Again, the cops making it us vs them every time they go above and beyond for their cohorts versus the citizens that pay their salary... There wouldn't even be an issue with most people even if cops are corrupt as long as they did to us as they did to their fellow officers... Like when they shoot you, they just watch you bleed out and maybe will call EMS for you, and if they do, they have to wait 20 minutes so they can get 10 cops to stack like swat and face every direction to move in an handcuff your dead body... But if a cop gets shot, or they shot a undercover, they run head over heals, and even start crying that they had been shot, and they will bring in helicopters and 5 EMS to help the guy, yes I know that 5 is an arbitrary number to show you they don't give a damn about you the average citizen...

    May 21, 2018 at 4:51 PM

    Let me guess.. You got arrested and you are still butt hurt!

  7. Anonymous said...
    A Concealed carry holder i bet... Sarcasm off.

    Sarcasm back on

    It is very sad, but Not much sympathy here when they do not even allow us to right to protect ourselves!!

    May 21, 2018 at 7:39 PM

    It's not up to the cops the right to protect yourselves. It's up to you.

  8. WOW 451..simply WOW!

  9. Let me guess.. You got arrested and you are still butt hurt!

    May 21, 2018 at 11:17 PM:

    He actually makes some VERY good points. Its called "equal protection under the law." The law is applied more forcefully when a cop is a victim, than for the average citizen victim, way more. And the law is not enforced at all for cop mis-behavior, unless they get caught on film and exposed to the public. And no, I've had no interactions with any cops, for any reason (not even traffic violations). My butt is fine. What are you, a cop? Why would you disparage a author's comment, when he was stating both a truth and and an opinion? You seem to take his comment personally.


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