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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Europe Plotting to Undermine New U.S. Sanctions on Iran

European countries are currently examining a range of options to counter the re-imposition of harsh U.S. sanctions on Iran in a bid to continue doing business with the Islamic Republic, a move that is being met with chilly reception on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers are already putting in place measures to ensure that any European nation caught skirting U.S. sanctions faces harsh repercussions, according to a new policy paper being examined by lawmakers and viewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

Ahead of a landmark foreign policy speech on Iran Monday morning by newly installed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, his first since taking the office, European nations have been locked in meetings to develop contingencies to continue doing business with Iran after new U.S. sanctions go into effect in the coming months.

European Union members are seeking to re-implement an old law known as the blocking statute, which orders European companies to ignore U.S. sanctions on Iran.



  1. stop their foreign aide from US as soon as they do it.

  2. The US needs to mind it's own business and stop threatening other countries.US is not 'King of the World'.

  3. Bomb them back to the Stone Age!

  4. If not us 1:20 then who? We dont follow anyone that for sure. Maybe you dont like our kingdom but you are free to leave anytime.


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