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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Elizabeth Warren praises communist China

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren would rather praise communist China than the President of the United States.

The 2020 presidential hopeful and darling of the left appeared on CBS This Morning to hawk her new book when host John Dickerson brought up North Korea and the progress President Trump’s made in pressuring the rogue nation to de-nuclearize its military.

But Warren insisted the president doesn’t have a clear strategy, and suggested Trump take cues from North Korea’s communist neighbor to the north.

More here


  1. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  2. She remembers when her people came across the Alaskan land bridge from Asia to populate North America.

  3. Her dad was Jeronimo.

  4. Yea, Michner actually had pictures of her in a teepee in his book Alaska. Shes such an honest liberal, Dem?????


  5. Take the DNA test, Fauxahontas!


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