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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Dozens Gather Outside NFL Headquarters to Protest for Players' 'Right to Kneel'

In the wake of the NFL's announcement that it has adopted a policy of fining teams and personnel who do not “stand and show respect for the flag and the anthem," dozens of protesters gathered outside the league's New York headquarters.

Friday's demonstration was reportedly organized by the NAACP, the Justice League of New York City, the National Action Network and the Women’s March.

Protesters carried signs and chanted as they defended athletes' "right to kneel."Some people wore clothing or jerseys featuring Colin Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback who began the trend of not standing for the anthem during the 2016 NFL season to protest racial injustice and police brutality.



  1. The NFL only responded to this because attendance is down and TV ratings are down. Screw them,I'm done with the NFL.

  2. Line up a battalion of Marines and to greet them.

  3. They can kneel. Without a job.

  4. I'm an employer and I can tell you if my employees were doing things that directly hurt my income and reputation (future income) I'd fire them in an instant. Go to practice and practice hard. Show up on game day and play hard. Then on your free time find somewhere to kneel.

  5. Fine with me. They have right to kneel, and I still have the right to withhold my money.

    I hand kleenex out to them on their way to the bank.



  7. Dozens protested, eh? That's droll!

    Millions didn't show up for games, sold their tickets, didn't renew their tickets, cancelled cable, stopped buying merchandise, burned their jerseys, stopped buying pizza, etc. That's why Roger "Should Be Fired" Goodell finally found a smidgen of backbone.


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