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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Do veterans know what staffers at a major veterans group think about Trump?

Some of the American Legion's senior staff in Washington are making it clear on Twitter that they don't like President Trump, and other veterans' groups and even some people in the government are starting to notice.

While Republicans and Democrats routinely hold jobs in a range of advocacy groups, some of the tweets from top American Legion staffers are getting attention for their anti-Trump bias. The American Legion, the nation's largest veterans group, was chartered by Congress nearly 100 years ago in 1919, and is supposed to operate as a nonpartisan group that works to advance the interests of veterans.

But some of the staff's anti-Trump views are being advertised on Twitter, which has some scratching their heads, in part because of Trump's popularity among veterans. Trump won the support of about two-thirds of the veteran vote.

For example, Louis Celli, the group's national veterans affairs and rehabilitation division director, has made it clear on Twitter this year that he's not a fan of the new administration. This month, he challenged a Department of Veterans Affairs press official who claimed Trump has made progress fixing the VA.

"[E]xactly what progress can this team take credit for?" he asked.



  1. The VA is rife with lazy, ineffectual and entitled federal employees, all afraid that they can now be made to do the jobs hired to do or shown the door.

  2. If the American Legion was chartered in 1919, and is suppose to be nonpartisan, then those that tweet, verbally or in any way put down the POTUS then they should be removed from office.

  3. As far as I know, there are no "staffers" with the AL in Washington. Headquarters in Indianapolis.

  4. only the ones with positions are anti Trump because he is coming to get them for NOT DOING THEIR JOB and stealing from the veterans and the American people

  5. Guess what? Most veterans don't care very much for ANY politician.

  6. I'm a veteran and agree. The V.A. Facilities in North Carolina SUCKS.

  7. Correct the VA by cancelling all the employees healthcare until they start doing their jobs and taking care of our Vets. Then every 6months cancel another employee benefit if no improvement.

  8. We all know that the tree needs shaking at every VA facility, and then the bad apples raked up and sent on their way.


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