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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Did the FBI Have a Spy in the Trump Campaign?

Did the FBI have a spy working within Donald Trump’s campaign team? That’s the question Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is seeking to answer. We recently noted that the Justice Department has been slow-walking its compliance with Congress’s request for documents and information. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein angrily responded to subpoenas and threats of impeachment over his stonewalling of Congress, stating that he would not be “extorted.” Why this aggressive rebuttal?

Well, slowly but surely the mystery behind all of the slow-walking and stonewalling from the DOJ is finally coming to light, albeit bringing even more questions with it. To begin, we must go back to January of this year, when Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s Senate testimony from five months prior was finally made public. At that time, Simpson’s testimony appeared to reveal a bombshell (emphasis added):

Essentially, what [Christopher Steele] told me was [the FBI] had other intelligence about this matter from an internal Trump campaign source, and that — that they — my understanding was that they believed Chris at this point — that they believed Chris’s information might be credible because they had other intelligence that indicated the same thing, and one of those pieces of intelligence was a human source from inside the Trump campaign.

After the media hoopla, Simpson quickly backed off the claim of the FBI having a “human source” inside the Trump campaign, insisting instead that he had “mis-characterized” the nature of the source. But had he? It now appears that the FBI did indeed have a “human source” — a spy — within the Trump campaign.



  1. I love how they waste so much time to seek an answer they know they will never get, but you fools, yes I said it, you fools buy it every time hook line and sinker... It is all show, to make it look like they give a damn when they don't... Even your best-est pal Trey Gowdy, never once got anything done with all of that smoke and mirror hard core drilling questions in their committee...

    When will you obtuse people finally get it??? when??? what is it going to take????

    1. President Trump WON and crooked Hillary LOST!! Enough said! #MAGA

  2. Me thinks the initials are "JS"...

  3. I wish there were only 1 spy in Mr Trump’s camp. But unfortunately he is surrounded by them!


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