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Sunday, May 06, 2018

Dick’s Sporting Goods Hires Gun Control Lobbyists

Dick's Sporting Goods has hired three lobbyists to push Congress for gun control measures, according to federal records.

Records show Dick's had hired two Democrats and one Republican from the Washington-based public affairs firm Glover Park Group, The Federalist reported. The only specific lobbying issue listed on the form for their work was "lobbying related to gun control."

Their effective registration date for the lobbyists' work was April 27:

The three lobbyists tapped by Dick’s to push for gun control are listed by name in the federal disclosure forms, which are required by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 to be filed quarterly: Joel Johnson, who worked for both President Bill Clinton and Senate Democrat leadership; Andrew King, who worked for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and Christina Brown, a former staffer for Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.).


  1. I will never buy anything there again

  2. Well with them not selling black rifles anymore which was a PR stunt because they didn't sell them anyway. And now doing this this seals the deal with me I was not going to shop at Dick's when they pull that first stunt and now I definitely will not Patron their establishment anymore


  3. Put simply, there is no longer any valid reason to enter their store or buy from them in any way, shape or form. They want to subjugate you. Stand firm.

  4. Going to sell my Dick's stock.

  5. That's it for me. No more Dick's Sporting Goods. I would pay more to avoid buying there, but their prices are usually the highest around, so no loss.

  6. Done with Dicks.

  7. Byeeeeee byeeeee Dick.

  8. 6:53 That's what you told Ireton isn't it?

  9. Must be owned by liberals not shopping there again.

  10. Do ya think Dick's just shot themselves in the foot?

    1. With an AR-15 assault rifle that they refused to sell

  11. so Dick's is dissing gun owner, the ones who used to shop there, to appease gun control nuts, who don't shop there anyway. smart move.

    can't wait for the going out of business sale

  12. Please don't just bitch and complain on here, also use the other forms of public media. Hit them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkion, whatever your on, emails burn them, expose them, tell on them, get the info out there to shut them down!

  13. Way more soccer moms shop at Dicks than gun nuts. Majority of their stores are in suburban areas with money and little interest in hunting. If guns were their main money maker, they would not have dropped them.

    1. You say soccer moms. There's just as many dads if not more shoping at dicks. I'm one of the small army. From lax gloves and sticks to softball bats and cleats, work boots, sneakers and everything in between. So yes if I go elsewhere it will tank their stock and you can bet I will be going elsewhere.

  14. Dick’s has exposed themselves as globalist (Communists). They must be owned by international banking families like all the other globalist corporations.

    Part of the one world government crowd.

  15. 4:49 Only place you are going is to work. Hurry up and be a good employee. Soccer dads in the suburban areas don't hunt either. Under 30 year old parents don't hunt in cities where the money is. Again, if the gun business was their bread and butter, they would not have dropped it.

  16. F them.

    They chose a side. The wrong one.
    There WILL be a day when the repeal of the Second Amendemnt is proposed.
    In the following days, the First Amendment will be repealed, too.
    People cannot be manipulated and controlled if they can fight back (the very HEART of the 2nd Amendment). AND, if they are allowed to speak out or write anything in opposition, well, that also makes it hard to control them.
    You completely idiotic, shortsighted, cross-dressing, sissy girlie boys think that your "leaders just want a "safe society"?
    Thats what the "leaders" in Britain said to their SUBJECTS --- now they put their SUBJECTS in JAIL for SAYING THE WRONG THING. Read that again.
    Their citizens meekly submit and walk into their cells. Instead of emptying a 30 round mag on the ones who come for them.
    We should make EVERY public official wear a big red "X" on their back as a reminder of what Jefferson said should happen to them.
    Or, Keep cheering.


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