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Monday, May 07, 2018

Devin Nunes: AG Jeff Sessions should be held in contempt of Congress

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is going to push Congress to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt of Congress.

The Californian Republican’s committee has been looking into allegations that the Justice Department and the FBI abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in their scrutiny of the Trump campaign.

"On Thursday we discovered that they are not going to comply with our subpoena," Nunes said on "Fox and Friends," adding, "The only thing left to do is we have to move quickly to hold the attorney general of the United States in contempt and that is what I will press for this week."



  1. Swamp dwellers don't go against other swamp dwellers.

  2. Is it possible that Sessions took the position with the secret motive to protect his friends in the political realm? I believe it may be so. Rosenstein ( involved in the Uranium One scam himself) who was in charge of appointing a special counsel but didn't recuse himself. How much evidence has been destroyed by those hiding the corruption?
    Rosenstein and Sessions both need to resign but they won’t. What does that tell you?


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