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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Dems, Media Outraged After Trump Calls MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals'

Democrats, the mainstream media, and left-wing reporters are twisting President Trump’s words in calling MS-13 illegal alien gang members “animals.”

During a roundtable discussion of California’s sanctuary state laws, Fresno Sheriff Margaret Mims mentioned to Trump the difficulty of working with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to notify them of an illegal alien MS-13 gang member.

In response, Trump called the MS-13 gang members “animals,” as he’s done in the past.



  1. How dare Trump talk about MS 13 they way Democrats talk about him.

  2. they probably call them poor unfortunates because they haven't had any one close to them murdered by them. Must be nice and stupid at the same time to go through life with blinders on

  3. Like many others said, 'they are worse than animals'...

  4. I agree with him anyway.

  5. They are Animals - actually I think more of animals than I do them, they are worst - scum of earth.


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