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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Dem Rep: We will impeach Trump if we retake the House

Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) is promising that Democrats will impeach President Trump if the party wins the House in November.

"There’s a good likelihood there will be articles of impeachment” brought against Trump, Green said Tuesday while appearing on C-SPAN.

When asked about the likelihood that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would introduce articles of impeachment against the president, Green pushed back, saying that “every member of the House is accorded the opportunity to bring up impeachment.”

“This is not something the Constitution has bestowed upon leadership,” said Green, who previously introduced two articles of impeachment that failed on the House floor. “It’s something every member has the right and privilege of doing. I am not sure that there will be members who are going to wait for someone else if that someone else, doesn’t matter who it is, is declining to do it.”

Last week, Green doubled down on his push to impeach Trump against the wishes of Democratic leadership, arguing there is "bigotry emanating from the presidency.”

More here


  1. Impeach for what? following the constitution. Democrats communist panties sure area twisted.. TRUMP MAGA AND ANOTHER TERM IS A COMING. Then its Carsons turn

  2. "There’s a good likelihood there will be articles of impeachment” brought against Trump, Green said Tuesday while appearing on C-SPAN.

    Uh... last time I checked the law you had to have reason to Impeach a President, not because Maxine and the Retard Libard black Democrats don't like having a Republican President.

  3. On what grounds?? You don't like the man?? Get over it, patriot's love him!

  4. What's the crime?

  5. You will not retake the house so get your a$$ to work!!

  6. Good luck, we the people will not let happen. (map)

  7. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, good luck with that one!

  8. There's bigotry emanating from somewhere, but it isn't the current presidency.

  9. Great to know. As a registered Dem, I won’t be voting for a single one of the Dem candidates in the upcoming election. Lots of us crossed party lines to elect President Trum. I hope this story gets plenty of air time.

  10. CONgress, you bunch of idiots are the ones that will cause civil unrest. Keep the country divided when its time to come together. Better yet, keep saying what you will do that makes the masses mad and we'll see how U do in the elections. Maybe not this go around - but when it IS time for yours - you will get yours!

  11. The reasoning for their wanting impeachment is because the good president was elected to get their asses back in line (shape up or ship out). The only reason they utter impeachment is he is POTUS and whopped the fat, lazy, crooked, vile, nasty looser by a landslide. Oh, did I say ugly?

  12. I PRAY that the democrats keep harping on impeachment.
    If THAT is the cornerstone of thier campaign, they will lose BIG.

    It used to be they would talk about jobs (can't do that -- they NEVER created any, except for themselves) or foreign policy (obamsass said ISIS was a problem that would take years. Trump whipped their ace in 3 months).
    All they have now is "Trump is bad!!"

    A GREAT campaign slogan!! Keep at it!! Get CNN on your side!!
    The democrats have never been more useless to America than they are RIGHT NOW.
    Keep cheering.


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