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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Delaware becomes first state to fully ban child marriage

Delaware has become the first state in the nation to completely ban marriage for anyone under 18.

Democratic Gov. John Carney on Wednesday signed into law the measure that makes it illegal for minors to get married, under any circumstances, even if their parents approve.

Previously, anyone could get married in Delaware at any age with a judge's approval.

'Now that we have closed this loophole in Delaware law, children will be protected from forced marriage and its dangerous consequences,' Rep. Kim Williams (D-Newport) told WDEL.



  1. Islam won't be happy.

  2. Well, at least I can still marry my sister!

  3. Now they need to ban mosques and muslims. Saw two women yesterday in Salisbury walking down the street in full burkas. As said in a horror movie,"They're hereeeeeee."

  4. Thank God these guys were on the job.
    I didn't realize that, of all of Delaware's problems that need urgent attention, THIS is what they devote days and weeks of work to push through??
    Worse, they crow about it as if they solved the problems in the Midlle East.
    And they get PAID for that???
    What is next?

    Keep cheering.

  5. That's okay, just move to Maryland. If you're knocked up, or had a baby already, you can get married at 15 in Maryland!


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