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Sunday, May 13, 2018


Salisbury, MD Executive Bob Culver is continuing his practice in helping the citizens by foregoing a property tax sale this year. He believes this provides help to the citizens who are struggling to pay their tax bills. This year will be the second occasion during his term that he has chosen to offer this opportunity.

State law does not require a sale each year. Section 14-808 of the Tax Property Article mandates a tax sale no later than 2 years from the date taxes are in arrears.

"Not holding a tax sale this year does not mean the taxes owed are waived," said Culver. "Tax sales are more expensive for the property owners with the costs that accrue after the property is purchased. By working with the taxpayers, we are hoping more will find a way to pay the taxes by making payments throughout the year.

Properties not sold at the 2017 tax sale are available to be bought through the Finance Department presently.

For more information, contact the County Finance Department at 410-548-4840.


  1. Here's an idea. Lower taxes so people can afford to pay them.

    1. Lol don't vote Democrat then

  2. We can also do things like lower corporate taxes to incentivizing good-paying, tax-base-building jobs that will bring in highly educated, upwardly mobile people who don't wish to raise their kids in the cesspool that is the western shore.

    1. How about getting welfare People BACK to work instead of mooching off of the Tax payer.

  3. Stop whining. My property tax in another state is 13,000/yr.

    1. 12:12 sure you do. Nice thing about the internet is you can claim to be anything you want. Foh

  4. Lower property taxes. You are giving away tax dollars for 2 year free community college so the ones of us get screwed three ways. We have to pay higher taxes for those who cannot keep up with the Jones by paying their taxes so they say screw the taxes. We then have to pay higher taxes for 2 years free community college while we put our children through college or has done. We also get screwed with higher taxes to pay the bills owed by the City of Salisbury, since the breeched the contract with the County on Government Building, and taking money the County gives Volunteer Fire Departments and put in their general fund. These all reasons for lower property taxes. Bob is getting more disappointing every day.

  5. Still have whiners thank you anyway Bob.

    1. What are you thanking him for?? Seriously.

  6. Moved here from NJ. Ten years ago our tax there was $18,000. Loving it here!

  7. Property taxes shouldn't be so high. It just gives the Government more of our money to spend as they see fit. Not what taxpayers want.

  8. Corporate taxes?? From what corporation.?? Perdue ?? They already get a massive tax cut. GEESH.

  9. If you pay 13 thousand a year your a fool.

    1. Lol calling someone a fool while using the incorrect form of "you're". Classic.

  10. You'd better move 12:12 pm!


  11. Blogger Kimberley Groves said...
    We can also do things like lower corporate taxes to incentivizing good-paying, tax-base-building jobs that will bring in highly educated, upwardly mobile people who don't wish to raise their kids in the cesspool that is the western shore.

    May 11, 2018 at 11:41 AM
    Anonymous said...

    Hell NO!! Then guess who gets to pay their taxes for the lost revenue? We the homeowners do. Screw them and screw you for that dumb idea.


  12. Anonymous said...
    Stop whining. My property tax in another state is 13,000/yr.

    May 11, 2018 at 12:12 PM

    Sounds like you are the one whining!

  13. Another giving away of money, if you are a property owner you know you have taxes to pay. Pay your damn debts or lose your property!

  14. 4:36 I paid cash for the home, don't have any insurance other than liability insurance and have made over $500,000 in equity in 5 years. I gladly pay $13,000 in taxes. Waterfront home, no crime, most neighbors are business owners and republicans. How much has your property increased in value in the past 5 years? Nuff said.

    1. Wow. AREN'T you special. Too bad your imagination has the best of you. Yeah I often think of a beach house. Then I wake up. You should too.

  15. Never said a beach house. I guess you aren't too smart and just jealous of successful people. LOL.

    1. Always keep your mouth shut and let people think your a fool. Instead of opening it and proving such. You said WATERFRONT. Can't you read your own posts. Or your going to be a bigger lying SOB and debate tomatoes?? PATHETIC.

    2. Your right 7:12. It's fantasy island with 4:22. Successful. LMAO.

  16. You idiots must have never seen a home on a river, canal, lake or bay before. Not all waterfront homes are beach houses. You fools should just stay in your double wides and hope your property doesn't go down any further in value.

  17. SORRY 10:06 . But your trying exceptionally hard to make your point. As one poster stated. Keep your mouth shut and let people think your a fool or open it and prove it. Or my favorite. Quit while your ahead. I hope you have millions inherited. Because you sure didn't get it with that Brain.

  18. 10:14 You seem to be very good at repeating what others say and have no independent thought. I retired in my 40's. Sorry you and the rest of the naysayers are jealous of and hate anyone that is successful, but it's a very common trait around here.


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