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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Confirmed: School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was Shielded From Arrest to ‘Fight Systemic Racism’

Not only did they shield him from arrest in the name of fighting racism, they didn’t even force him to go to their worthless program

School shooter Nikolas Cruz was protected from arrest by Broward county school district officials thanks to a “controversial disciplinary program” designed to combat “systemic racism” by limiting arrests of minority students.

Broward county school district officials lied repeatedly for months by claiming otherwise.


  1. Truth, what a concept..your sins will find you out.

  2. Wow.....another program started by the Obama administration. The blood of those students is spattered all over his legacy.

    1. It was part of obamas plan to have school shootings that then would attack the NRA.

  3. There is no such thing as "Systematic Racism", if brats of color would quit disrupting school they won't be expelled. Just like getting shot by the police, don't run don't get shot. Life is very simple, but I guess some things are too complex for certain individuals of a certain race.

  4. He is white. He was referred to the program but did not attend. If he didn't attend then he was not a prat of it. My doctor could refer me to physical therapy but if I don't go, I am not in physical therapy.

  5. 4:35 Why? Because his last name is Cruz? Here's a question for you. Dave Jefferson, black or white?

  6. They should have put a gun to his head while he was on the ground and blown his brains out, like he did to the students that day. Should have let him feel the fear of death when he had no control over his fate.


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