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Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Clapper hit for dossier leak dodge in House GOP Russia report

Former intelligence chief James Clapper is facing scrutiny for allegedly providing “inconsistent testimony” to the House Intelligence Committee regarding his discussions with the media about the anti-Trump dossier.

The claim was contained in the report released Friday by House Intelligence Committee Republicans.

The report declared investigators had found “no evidence” of collusion between Trump campaign associates and Russia -- findings that Democrats vehemently disputed. But while the report was touted by Trump allies, it could cause problems for Clapper, the director of national intelligence under the Obama administration.

The report stated that in a private interview with the committee on July 17, 2017, Clapper’s response wavered regarding his media contacts over the dossier. He initially denied those contacts, yet later admited to discussing the dossier contents with Jake Tapper of CNN, where Clapper landed a job after leaving government.



  1. he's a traitor. lock him up...

  2. Can any of these wipes tell the truth?

  3. Definition of treason for English Language Learners
    : the crime of trying to overthrow your country's government or of helping your country's enemies during war

    stop throwing words around you don't know their meaning.


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