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Monday, May 21, 2018

Civil Rights Commissioner: Halt DACA Amnesty Talk Until Border Wall is Secured, Legal Immigration is Cut

Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, says discussion of an amnesty for illegal aliens should be halted until a wall is secured along the U.S.-Mexico border and major cuts to legal immigration are enacted.

In a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan, Kirsanow warned of the impact an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would have on working and middle-class Americans and, specifically, black Americans.

Kirsanow writes:

The negative impact of illegal immigration on unskilled and low-skilled American workers has been established by various studies and discussed in numerous hearings, including, but not limited to, a 2008 Commission briefing. The testimony at the briefing indicated that illegal immigration disproportionately affects the wages and employment opportunities of African- American men. [Emphasis added]



  1. Yeah we already know that! It is the left, the communists who are pigheaded and ignorant to the fact that these criminals are stealing from law abiding American legal imagrants. Democrats are stealing our tax dollars to fund and Foster this illegal behavior and it must be stopped

  2. Kill the invaders!
    Bet that stops them fast!


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