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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Cal Ripken Jr.'s Reisterstown estate sells at auction

Cal Ripken Jr.'s 24-acre Reisterstown estate sold at auction Saturday.

Eight bidders registered to participate in the auction, which was scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. at the Dover Road property, according to Daniel DeCaro of DeCaro Auctions. The auction lasted about 15 minutes, he said.

The name of the winning bidder and the sale price were not announced; that information will become public record upon the settlement of the sale within the next 30 days, DeCaro said, declining to reveal the information.

Ripken had originally put the Worthington Valley property, at 13301 Dover Road, on the market for $12.5 million in September 2016. The price dropped to $9.7 million in April 2017, and was taken off the market altogether in August, real estate listings show.



  1. That area like so many in Maryland has been overrun.

  2. Really? Are you that stupid? The only thing that area is over run with is steeplechase horses. Ever heard of the Hunt Cup?

  3. Really?? You must be the stupid one. Oh cal ripken lived there it must be worth millions. HAHAHA. Take a trip down there sometime bright light.

  4. Lol. You must be the same one who pays 18 thousand in taxes a years for a Mobil home Creek front property.@ 9:12

  5. The hunt cup?? Your easily impressed aren't you?? Stay on the eastern shore billi.

  6. Wow. The idiots are out in full force today. You people really need to educate yourselves and stop being the stereotypical racist rednecks. Green Spring Valley is a very wealthy area.

    1. Correct. Full of Red Sea Pedestrians.

  7. Says who?? You?? May the force be with you. You need it.Cal ripken lives there OMG. GO back to your pocket pool grandma.


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