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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Breaking News: North Korea said it had destroyed its only known nuclear test site, three weeks before Kim Jong-un is scheduled to meet with President Trump

North Korea said on Thursday that it had destroyed its only known nuclear test site, according to The Associated Press.

The event was captured by foreign journalists, but North Korea did not invite any independent nuclear monitors to verify the dismantlement.


  1. It was destroyed with testing. They blew it up.

  2. Seeing is believing.

  3. Sure they destroyed it. They don't need it anymore since they have the bomb now. This is not an anti-trump/obama comment. This whole situation has been an AMERICAN foreign policy failure that has spanned 2 decades or more.

  4. Reagan Inspect and Verify.

  5. They destroyed a useless site, so they have given up nothing. If the US spins this as a positive development, Kim has played us big time. Kim also knows that we need the proposed meeting more than he. Look for him to cancel.

  6. Rocket man yapping again? Still not buying it!

  7. So, he moved the facility to where?

  8. Moot point as Trump has announced U S has pulled out of summit meeting.

  9. And yet he threatened nuclear devastation if that summit was cancelled. Does he have more? It would seem so.

  10. I for one believe pretty much everything the US Media reports. Therefore I think rocket man is evil, the US government is great, so on . . .


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