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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Boardwalk Elvis, The Original Boardwalk Street Performer, Honored With Key To Ocean City

OCEAN CITY – One of Ocean City’s most iconic Boardwalk performers received a key to the city this week.

On Friday, the Mayor and Council honored Norman Webb, known by many as “Boardwalk Elvis,” for his years of entertainment to Ocean City’s residents and visitors.

In the 1960s, Webb began his entertainment career by walking along the Boardwalk with his boom box in tow. His local claim to fame, and his moniker, however, came about in the early 1970s, when he began to dress like Elvis Presley and play Elvis music.

While he is now retired from his Boardwalk-performing days, visitors and residents still recognize Webb. His Facebook page, for example, has amassed more than 5,000 followers.



  1. Glad he got recognized. Very hypocritical from OC Mayor and Council. They try every way they can to eliminate the boardwalk performers then after they lose Court battles they want to offer recognition for their talent and their contribution to OC.

  2. In his prime, he had the act nailed down.

  3. What is SAD is that some ugly woman with painted Breasts will end up in his spot OCMD is NO MORE a family Resort as like Dabury it is going to be full of Bmore De nj Scum.

  4. Spend a hour on the boardwalk some evening and then tell me O.C. is a family resort. What a joke.

  5. Hey 10:43, here's a thought! Don't visit, don't move here, don't drive through and if you do live here now.....move, please!!!! The performers deserve to be here just as much as you.

    1. Here you go ANOTHER HICK PERP who wants to run and ruin the town ....Move back to ECI Fool.

  6. The performers 320. You call what they do a performance? Its a handout and should not be around.


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