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Thursday, May 03, 2018

Be Extra Careful This Week...

Please look twice, (especially over the next 4 days) while you are driving anywhere on the Shore this week. Many thousands of motorcyclists are here for the Bikes to the Beach event. 


  1. Exactly why I am leaving town.

  2. Bikers: Be extra careful when riding at high speeds around vehicles that way 100 times more than your vehicle.

    Thank you

  3. Goes both ways. I wish I had my camera rolling when 2 bikers were weaving in and out of traffic. Talk about a death wish. I was cringing each time I saw them go BETWEEN cars and weave in and out of others.
    So, when I see this sign, I kind of laugh. There was NO WAY the other cars could have seen these bikes until after they whizzed by their side mirror by about 6 inches.

  4. 11:02 Don't even bother - they don't know no different and don't see the need to. Common excuse - you know what I meant. LOL

  5. THEY better watch out for seniors driving electric carts in OC for Springfest.

  6. There was a serious motorcycle vs. Tractor Trailer accident on Rt. 50 at Manoa Blvd earlier this afternoon. Reported to have serious arm and leg injury.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Exactly why I am leaving town.

    May 3, 2018 at 10:15 AM

    Good. Maybe there will be one less tailgating idiot on the shore.

    And btw State Police, how about enforcing the law concerning these dang tailgaters? I hate looking in my mirror and seeing a car or truck feet away from my bike.

  8. Not much money in tailgate enforcement.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Goes both ways. I wish I had my camera rolling when 2 bikers were weaving in and out of traffic. Talk about a death wish. I was cringing each time I saw them go BETWEEN cars and weave in and out of others.
    So, when I see this sign, I kind of laugh. There was NO WAY the other cars could have seen these bikes until after they whizzed by their side mirror by about 6 inches.

    May 3, 2018 at 10:25 AM

    Well if they had to weave through traffic, that tells me yet another road hog was in the left lane and wouldn't move over. Same for going between two vehicles. Although I don't recommend it, some people get their jollies blocking and holding up traffic. If the lazy police around here would enforce more traffic laws besides the revenue generating speed trap tickets, maybe some people would learn the rules of the road.


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