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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Barletta: ‘American People Have Run Out of Patience’ with Amnesty

Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Friday that the “American people have run out of patience” with Washington, DC, politicians who push for amnesty of illegal immigrants.

Congressman Barletta discussed the establishment Republican discharge petition to force a vote on an illegal alien amnesty bill.

Barletta called the move a “disaster.”

Rep. Barletta told Breitbart News, “I think it would be a disaster. We finally have an opportunity to fix the problem of illegal immigration, something that I’ve been fighting since I was a mayor back in Hazleton over a decade ago. This is our chance. We should not even consider doing anything until we can assure the American people that the problem of illegal immigration will be over.”

“You wouldn’t replace the carpet in your house if you still had a hole in the roof,” Barletta remarked.

Twenty-two establishment Republicans have signed a discharge petition to force a House Floor vote on an illegal alien amnesty bill. If 25 Republicans and 193 Democrats sign the petition, the bipartisan coalition can force a House vote on amnesty legislation. The House Freedom Caucus opposes the amnesty immigration bill but hopes to get a Floor vote on the President Trump-endorsed Goodlatte immigration bill.

“We should not do anything until we secure the border and guarantee the American people, not DACA and a promise, ending the ability for people to come into the country illegally once and for all,” Barletta said.

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