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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Baltimore’s acting police commissioner submits incorrect information on his ethics form

It was an error, says Gary Tuggle, attributing the misstatement of his Upper Marlboro home as located in “Baltimore MD” to a pull-screen problem.

On his first day as acting police commissioner, Gary Tuggle filed a city ethics statement on Friday that – twice – listed his home address as Baltimore, Md.

Tuggle, in fact, lives with his wife in a $760,000 house in Prince George’s County.

Reached this evening by The Brew, Tuggle said, “It should have stated Upper Marlboro. It’s obviously an error on my part.”

Asked how such an error could happen, he recalled that he had used a pull-down screen to list his address. “So why would it do that? Come up as Baltimore, Md., when the actual [street] address is correct?

“You know what I did,” he continued. “I went to the pull-down screen for the state, probably not the county.”



  1. Cops always have excuses for why they are corrupt...

  2. It's too dangerous to live in Baltimore so he chose to live in PG County.

  3. "They" that you refer to are a small percentage of corruption, say as in the good presidents outfit. Try living in a society without law, 9:09. You wouldn't last very long.

  4. Even the devout liberals don't want to live in Baltimore? I'm shocked! $760,000 would buy whole city blocks of row houses in charm city. Didn't I read about a dead body falling out of a row house they were tearing down? I bet that neighborhood has some bargain properties for sale.

  5. Where does this Pugh woman find these Einsteins anyway? Must be consulting with Jakey?

  6. Flimsy excuses for lying on a government document. It would probably not be the first or second time he lied on the job.

  7. So the white guy wasn't doing a good enough job for her....so she hires a black guy that doesn't do any better and doesn't files his taxes for several years either. Now they put this bozo in charge and he can't figure out how to read a computer screen.

  8. He is a cop and lives in a $760,000 house???
    I can't be the only one who thinks "protecting and serving" has some benefits we aren't aware of....

    1. Kinda like school teachers keep cheering?

  9. Pesky automation!

    (wink wink!)


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