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Friday, May 04, 2018

Baltimore Mayor: ‘Violence Is Still Down’ Despite Surge In Murders

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — After a decline in murders to start the new year, gunfire in Baltimore spiraled out of control in April with more than 30 people killed.

The city went 12 days without a murder in February, but since then, the numbers have spiked. April brought dozens of homicides, but the mayor says despite the recent surge, violence in Baltimore is still trending downward.

One crime scene after the other scattered across city streets is a familiar dread that has returned to Baltimore.

“All across the country, people are looking at Baltimore in a negative light because of the violence. This is a great city and it’s a shame,” Dr. Rev. Andre Humphrey said.



  1. Lol sounds like fake Jake Day.

  2. Violence isn't murder, Murder is culling the herd.

  3. No disrespect Rev. Humphrey, but Baltimore is a shit hole.

  4. mayor upside down

  5. What is the definition of 'oxymoron'.
    2 words that contradict each other.
    Talk about spin-doctor. Jeez

  6. That statement does not compute! Since when was muder not violent?

  7. May 4, 2018 at 2:59 PM
    It's referring to violent crimes, which are different from homicides. For an honest title it should say "Violent crimes on the decline, but increasing Homicides in Baltimore."

  8. crime has to be down when thugs kill other thugs, they're running out of thugs.

  9. More political double talk.

  10. How is that possible? A contradiction in terms!


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