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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Anti-Trump forces threaten GOP lawmakers’ lives in name of #Resistance

Political conversations have grown increasingly nasty in recent years, and it may be spawning something even worse: a growing number of people taking their vitriol to another level by threatening members of Congress.

In the past couple of months, the Justice Department announced action in four cases involving people who threatened serious harm, or even death, to federal lawmakers.

Most of those threats were made online, reflecting just one way people can convey their most vulgar feelings toward those on other sides of public policy disputes.

Most of the targets have been Republican lawmakers, who are in the crosshairs of anti-Trump forces who relish their stance as a self-styled #Resistance.



  1. Hang the rebels against us

    No mercy upon conviction

  2. Soon it will be time to start jailing the fifth columnists.

  3. There are a lot crazies out there.

  4. Start with Maxine Waters.

  5. The FBI will not do their job and charge them, so who is going to do it? Who is going to hold internet companies to co-operate, since they all are liberal anarchist? Are they being held for being an accomplice?

  6. Anonymous said...
    The FBI will not do their job and charge them, so who is going to do it? Who is going to hold internet companies to co-operate, since they all are liberal anarchist? Are they being held for being an accomplice?

    May 27, 2018 at 2:42 PM

    That's why President Trump needs to dismantle the FBI. Every FBI agent that are turncoats against the President should be charged and lose their pensions. The worst ones should be sent to Gitmo.

    Start over. There are a lot of seasoned officers throughout the country that support our President, that can be recruited to rebuild the FBI.

    Problem solved.


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