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Thursday, May 24, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Something getting ready to go down Route 50 mardela S&H farm produce stand


  1. The funeral for fallen officer Steve Ray is today it will be traveling down rt 50 to mardela to his final resting place

  2. Most likely something for the funeral, it's going to go right by there.

  3. Could have to do with Steve Ray funeral

  4. It's for Deputy Ray's funeral ..Fool.

  5. Umm... like the funeral of Steve Ray?!

  6. Holiday weekend. Calling all cars we have many Baltimorons and Pennsytuckians to write thousands of tickets to for no head lights, seat belt violations, and speeding. Worcester County thanks you for our free money every summer. Thank You, see you next year.

  7. Thanks for the tip I just got rid of my stuff !!!!

  8. maybe having to do with the funeral of DFC Ray?

  9. They're probably waiting on the funeral procession.

  10. They are waiting for the funeral precession for the officer who passed away. It’s posted all over fb he is being buried in mardela.

  11. NO Dummies, it is for the Deputy Ray's Funeral!

  12. Now there is what appears to be a quasi APC there...



  13. Probably a game plan for more revenue enhancement procedures for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday!

    Never let an opportunity for revenue go to waste!

  14. the funeral for Officer Ray

  15. Been outta' town, I an ashamed I forgot that was today.


  16. Be realistic people, Why would you bring 2 tank type trucks and a backed out white van that is used for raids, be in a funeral preceding?

    It could very well be for the funeral, but I think it is for a raid they will be doing, or they have a hot tip of drug trafficking coming through...

  17. Some of these ignorant comments sound as if they came from the fat cow that owns S&H. Suprised she isnt there trying to get some recognition

  18. It is really impressive. They are on bypass now.

  19. Wasting tax dollars for fuel on a funeral.

    1. I am 100% sure that every one of those officers would be, if they didnt already, willing to pay for the gas they used today a d not be paid for their time. It wasnt done as a job but out of respect for a friend, mentor, team member. Its no worse then our tax dollars keeping drug addicts alive. This man served our country for our freedom and our county for our safety. You are an ass and more then likely a self centered liberal that has done nothing for anyone but yourself

  20. Anonymous said...
    the funeral for Officer Ray

    May 24, 2018 at 1:41 PM

    No, that would be Deputy Ray.

  21. Letter to the Editor

    What do you think about the County creating a countywide police department and cutting back on the Sheriff's Department? The Sheriff's Office can be cut back to court duty, tax sales, and serving papers.

    A new county police department would have more oversight from the county leaders and cost less money. It's time to stop this sheriff from creating his own empire with out of control spending.

    1. thats what the sheriff office is now county wide

    2. LOVE this

      Make the deputies news paper boys

  22. Good get rid of the sheriff.

  23. Letter to the editor exactly what do you think a county police department would do? It would be no different. still funded by the same County Executive and County Council i.e the tax payers unless you plan on paying for it out of your wallet. Ok eliminate a Sheriff. A Police Dept would still have to have a chief of some sort. Look at Salisbury Police Dept, do we really want that for the County. I don't! Stupid idea.

  24. Ok RIP but was this really a heart-attack. People get out and do what you got to do we are dying younger everyday.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's for Deputy Ray's funeral ..Fool.

    May 24, 2018 at 12:46 PM

    Why do you have to call someone a fool? Your rude comment and you are not alone I see, is just uncalled for as well as the few others like it.

    I realize the world, in general, has gone to shit and people's attitudes and treatment of their fellow man has really sunk low but is it really necessary 24/7?

    How about we let go of some of the hate and make room for a little love to grow? It can't be that hard can it?

  26. Letter to the Editor...
    The Sheriff's spending has oversight from the county now. He submits his budget to the Executive who then can make changes. After that it is submitted to the Council, who can take away, but not add to it. This is how the budget process has worked since the Charter Amendment was approved and we went to an Executive form of government.


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