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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Samaritan Shelter - Pocomoke

Hi Joe,

I am sending you this in hopes that you can let the taxpayers of our area know the truth.

After reading about the Samaritan Shelter, I found that it is funded mostly by the United Way and by area churches and also tax dollars of the community.

Sadly, I did not like finding out some of the things that are going on there on our tax dollars and donation monies.
My understanding is that one of the founders of the Samaritan Shelter is Rev. George Tasker of Pocomoke. His daughter Shelly Daniels is the director of the shelter and her son works there as well.
There has been a resident there for over two years (I believe also on payroll there). Shelly Daniels (director) has allowed that to happen, all the while receiving funding for the bed that he has been taking up.

This particular resident has been allowed to make many rules and set up programs for other residents there, dealing with an addiction problem himself.

Ms Daniels has taken her time, and shelter time to personally drive him to appointments or any other place that he may need or want to go, or is forever willing for him to drive himself in the Shelter's van (without a valid driver's license).

I believe that the Samaritan Shelter has funded many educational classes for him as well.

It is my understanding that this situation has been going on for some time now.

When Ms Daniels' marriage started suffering from this behavior, her father, Rev. Tasker came to the shelter and confronted her and the resident.

My understanding is that there was a special board meeting held because, at that time, she had left her home and moved into the shelter herself to be with the resident, again, free of charge.
It was also told that the resident's daughter and grandson were allowed to stay there and use it as a hotel when they came into town, free of charge.

Ms. Daniels and the resident have moved from the shelter and into a place together in the past two weeks. She is no longer affiliated with any church.

My frustration with this whole thing is that our donations and tax dollars are supporting someone to be the director of this shelter and make these decisions for her own personal benefit.

The Board of Directors has knowingly let her keep her position there.

The Mission Statement for this shelter is recovery, learning to live on your own, and getting to know our Lord.

I just have to wonder how many people have been turned away during the two years this one bedroom has been occupied and how many people lost their battle with addiction during that time.

How can they advertise that they are a Christian based shelter and the director is committing adultery?

How can the Board of Directors let her keep her position? How long will it be until she makes the same poor decisions with another resident on our tax dollars? How can her father, Rev. Tasker, go along with this as a Reverend and Councilman in Pocomoke? How can the Board of Directors allow that resident to live there, free of charge, for that long and collect a paycheck too?

I am a huge supporter of the addictions programs available for people in need......not this corruption though.

I feel that it is only fair that the taxpayers of our community, area supporting churches, Worcester County and the United Way know how their money is being spent while this shelter is hiding behind the Cross.


  1. More to the point, why are tax dollars going to any organization who has part of their mission statement as "getting to know our lord".

    Their website makes it clear that they are a ministry. I think that tax dollars to help the poor and in need should not come with the condition of proselytizaiton.

    Churches are "tax exempt", one of the reasons is that "they give back to the community", much in this way.

    No additional tax dollars should be going to them, they should be going to an organization that helps sans the conditions of a church service.

    You should help because it's the right thing to do, not for any other reason. Honest help comes without price tags or conditions.

  2. These homeless shelters are a joke. The staff who are mostly paid and it's their careers don't want homelessness to end. They would be out of jobs. Someone I know once did a little volunteering at one until she found out they were hiring a housekeeper. She asked why the residents can't clean up after themselves and was told the residents are already demoralized and dehumanized and to ask them to clean would be insensitive.

  3. email your concerns to the Worcester County Commissioners:


  4. This is the board of directors' problem, if there is a problem at all. Perhaps you should share your concerns with them.

  5. 1:51 I have news for you. Baptist/Catholic/Lutheran churches get millions a year from the federal government to "resettle" refugees and to help other immigrants legal and illegal. That is why they are so against any type of enforcement of immigration. There are very few real churches anymore. Most are in it for the money and nothing else. The 3 big ones mentioned above are the absolute worst. All fake churches.

  6. You named Shelly Daniels, so name the resident at the center of the whole issue


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