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Monday, May 21, 2018

A Viewer Asks: Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day

Is it appropriate for a married man, a man with 2 small children or the mayor of Salisbury to be flirting with hearts on IG booty pics of a former WBOC reporter?


  1. Her booty somewhat makes up for her horse face, tho...

  2. I don't care who you are - how can you not like that photo???? Good Gawd!

  3. She still works at WBOC doesn't she? She always puts up suggestive pictures on her social media accounts.

  4. wait, she is not on wboc anymore?

  5. As long as the taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for his harrassment claims or divorce, I don't care what fakey-jakey does!

  6. Mayor Day, why won’t you put railings back up along the riverwalk? I see you used our tax money to purchase the bright ugly life preservers scattered along the river, but are you seriously that stupid? Put the railings back.

    1. Ask Jake to show us how too use it in da river in dabury.

      Swim Jake swim.

  7. I hope days wife divorces his disgusting A!!

  8. As a married man, I thank you for reposting. Though I agree with the first commenter, this is actually a perfect photo of her, as it doesn't show her face!

  9. Anonymous said...
    wait, she is not on wboc anymore?

    May 21, 2018 at 1:12 PM

    No. She posted that she is no longer working there. She doesn't like the Salisbury area anyway.

    She does think she is better than everyone around here.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Her booty somewhat makes up for her horse face, tho...

    May 21, 2018 at 12:58 PM

    I disagree with you, she is very attractive in her own way. I would date her.

  11. That is a booty pic and it is very inappropriate for Salisbury's Mare to be sending her flirts. What an ignorant jerk he is. I feel sorry for his wife.

    No I don't! She thinks she is an important person in the community and she likes being called the "First Lady."

    1. Salisbury’s “mare”....seriously??

  12. I bet Jake Day wishes he wouldn't have posted this flirt on Instagram now.

  13. i wanna know who it is?? lol

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't care who you are - how can you not like that photo???? Good Gawd!

    May 21, 2018 at 1:00 PM

    I agree with you, I don't care who you are, but the Boi Mayor shouldn't be flirting with this wannabe reporter. Like the post says he is a married man with 2 young children. He is also the mayor of Salisbury and it is very unprofessional of him to flirt with a single, hot woman.

  15. Funny how the Liberals like Jake Day and Jim Ireton were all over the Judge Roy Moore story that was nothing but fabricated Fake News to bring him down in order to allow a Democrat to win a House Seat.

    Where are these Democrats now with Jake Day's sexual innuendo on this booty shot?

    Common on Liberals speak up is disgust over your boy mayor. Disown him like the RINO's disowned Roy Moore.

  16. That picture has SEX written all over it.

  17. Jacob Randy Day is a disgrace to the citizens and visitors of the City of Salisbury. I would love to see what kind of messages he sends to sexy women like that on Instagram.

    RESIGN Mr. Day!!

  18. Anonymous said...
    As long as the taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for his harrassment claims or divorce, I don't care what fakey-jakey does!

    May 21, 2018 at 1:18 PM

    Unfortunately Jake Day is representing the City of Salisbury 24 hours a day so I'm sure the citizens will be footing some of the sexual harassment bills.

  19. If Nicole is no longer receiving a paycheck from WBOC this would be a perfect opportunity for a payoff.

    Keep following Jake to see how much transparency he has on this one.

  20. That is HOT and I don't blame Jake Day, but he has to remember that he is representing the people of this City and that is very unprofessional!

  21. Anonymous said...
    I hope days wife divorces his disgusting A!!

    May 21, 2018 at 1:24 PM

    Any decent woman would divorce their husband for doing something this desperate. However, she is a Liberal and thinks she will be able to be the center of attention all the time. She's a FOOL if she stays with him!

  22. Which reporter was this?

  23. Darn Jake, she looks good, but you screwed up. That's what you get for all your childish facebook posts and laughing at all the citizens who support the former Station 1 volunteers.

    Grow up Little Boy!

  24. Who is she? I guess I'm not a WBOC butt expert.

  25. I thought Jake Day was a happily married man?

  26. Uh...whats a WBOC and do we know Jake?

  27. Hello Darlin... Are you Jakes new squeeze?

  28. 12:58 that statement was uncalled for. What do you look like?

  29. I consider that cheating. Jake Day you are a cheating LOSER!

  30. Hey idiots its a hell of a lot better than what the last Mayor watched!

  31. What's her instagram name? That's a nice pair of shoes!

  32. I am certain that all those anonymous commenters are so ridiculously attractive themselves they can pick on someone else’s looks! So completely sick of a woman’s worth being valued by what her face or body looks like!

  33. Ok, would someone please tell me who this is? I never watch TV news if I can help it.

  34. Where is the (pound) #meto movement on this? Shake it or Jake it more then three times your playing with it!!

  35. My lord, you pervs act like you have never seen a picture of a woman before. IF that is all you base women and relationships with you will always be miserable. Take the ring out of your nose and try to act like real men.

  36. Is this Stacy ?

  37. Great job Jake day!! We everything you said and stand for are nothing but lies and deceit. The saddwstvpart of your charade is the happily married "christian" family man. Several of you clowns representing that church that have been exposed using the titles as nothing more than an attempt to further tour personal gain. You all are steadily dropping one by one

  38. Jake's wife is absolutely beautiful, smart and accomplished . I feel assured he has no interest in the young lady pictured here.
    What is wrong with you people? So what if she has a great derier

  39. Anonymous said...
    Hey idiots its a hell of a lot better than what the last Mayor watched!

    May 21, 2018 at 5:05 PM

    This is funny, but that last HOMO wasn't married with 2 children either.

    It's morons like you that constantly defend cheating Democrats and encourage them to cheat and steal more.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury’s “mare”....seriously??

    May 21, 2018 at 9:00 PM

    Yes, seriously!

  41. Anonymous said...
    Jake's wife is absolutely beautiful, smart and accomplished . I feel assured he has no interest in the young lady pictured here.
    What is wrong with you people? So what if she has a great derier

    May 21, 2018 at 9:20 PM

    Absolutely beautiful?? Did Jake Day get married again?

  42. Anonymous said...
    Jake's wife is absolutely beautiful, smart and accomplished . I feel assured he has no interest in the young lady pictured here.
    What is wrong with you people? So what if she has a great derier

    May 21, 2018 at 9:20 PM

    Accomplished? Since when is a school teacher low on the totem pole become accomplished?

    Good try Jake Day. You clearly sent that young lady a heart flirt, I have you and her both on Instagram and I verified it.

    1. OMG. Your REALLY reading to much into this. Heart flirt?? Wow. I heard it all now. LMAO.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Great job Jake day!! We everything you said and stand for are nothing but lies and deceit. The saddwstvpart of your charade is the happily married "christian" family man. Several of you clowns representing that church that have been exposed using the titles as nothing more than an attempt to further tour personal gain. You all are steadily dropping one by one

    May 21, 2018 at 8:58 PM

    When a Democrat claims to be a Christian and a family man you know that is a lie. Democrats hate God and the only reason they are attending church these days since Trump got elected President is to take over the church and indoctrinate people just like the public schools did.

  44. Did any other recent mayors have a thing for a loca TV reporter?

  45. Anonymous said...
    Great job Jake day!! We everything you said and stand for are nothing but lies and deceit. The saddwstvpart of your charade is the happily married "christian" family man. Several of you clowns representing that church that have been exposed using the titles as nothing more than an attempt to further tour personal gain. You all are steadily dropping one by one

    May 21, 2018 at 8:58 PM

    What church does Jakey Boi claim to be a member of? Who else attends that same church?

    1. Jakey boy Day is a so called member of you guessed it the uprising church in Hebron band the infamous number one narcissistic prick bill cropper. He's definitely been mentoring the sissy mayor

  46. I heard there had been some late night interviews between those two, but that is none of my business.

  47. I would like to hear from the Ghetto's First Lady and see what she has to say about her hubby's cheating.

  48. Anonymous said...
    Mayor Day, why won’t you put railings back up along the riverwalk? I see you used our tax money to purchase the bright ugly life preservers scattered along the river, but are you seriously that stupid? Put the railings back.

    May 21, 2018 at 1:20 PM

    This Boi Mare broke the trust of his family and his constituents and the only thing you are worried about is railings on the Ditch Walk. You are just as irrelevant as Jakey Boi is.

  49. Anonymous said...
    She still works at WBOC doesn't she? She always puts up suggestive pictures on her social media accounts.

    May 21, 2018 at 1:03 PM

    Yes she does and she gets a lot of likes. She is very sexy and picks the right clothes to wear. They are suggestive and she makes me think she is a horndog just like I am. I don't know what those few clowns are talking about with her face, but I am attracted to every bit of her and her face. She is unique and pretty in everything about her.

  50. I would like to see this post stay at the top for a while and watch it get to 200 comments.

  51. Do you think Jake Day's trolls already got back to him on here?

  52. @9:20 as a is called leader of a community, so called husband, father, self professed Christian there is NO room for such immature behavior whether he gas interest or not. But why would he take such a wreckless chance to be noticed or flirt like this if there wasn't interest? Oh I know he was just kidding around. Hey Jake day as usual with you " its your lie tell it how you want it heard" what a frickin dumbass

  53. 631-Nicole attempted a career in modeling before moving onto reporting the news. Money talks.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @9:20 as a is called leader of a community, so called husband, father, self professed Christian there is NO room for such immature behavior whether he gas interest or not. But why would he take such a wreckless chance to be noticed or flirt like this if there wasn't interest? Oh I know he was just kidding around. Hey Jake day as usual with you " its your lie tell it how you want it heard" what a frickin dumbass

    May 22, 2018 at 4:33 AM

    Oh he wasn't kidding around. But he will put some spin on it and the Democrats will soon forget.

  55. Anonymous said...
    Did any other recent mayors have a thing for a loca TV reporter?

    May 21, 2018 at 11:41 PM

    Yes, Jimbeau! And I hear those 2 are still an item, but don't know where his boyfriend is assigned.

  56. Anonymous said...
    Thanks for your input Jake

    May 21, 2018 at 11:39 PM

    Jake thinks he is slick doesn't he!

  57. Anonymous said...
    My lord, you pervs act like you have never seen a picture of a woman before. IF that is all you base women and relationships with you will always be miserable. Take the ring out of your nose and try to act like real men.

    May 21, 2018 at 8:21 PM

    Good distraction Jake! Keep it up little buddy.

  58. Anonymous said...
    631-Nicole attempted a career in modeling before moving onto reporting the news. Money talks.

    May 22, 2018 at 6:46 AM

    Not sure what you are talking about, but there is no money in being a reporter at WBOC.

  59. Sounds like Jake day has built up a little self confidence with being able to spend taxpayers money buying some popularity. He obviously picked up on some of his buddy Tom Stevenson poor qualities and trying to screw any and all females he comes in contact with. Stevenson definitely created some dissention for Susan Phillips while both at the housing inspection department

  60. 834-Exactly. But when WBOC paid more than her attempt at being a model, there's your sign. Great body, with a face for radio.

  61. Poor Jake Day!! NOT, F him! He made his bed, let him sleep in it. I hope his wife leaves him and I hope he resigns for the best interest of Salisbury.

  62. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like Jake day has built up a little self confidence with being able to spend taxpayers money buying some popularity. He obviously picked up on some of his buddy Tom Stevenson poor qualities and trying to screw any and all females he comes in contact with. Stevenson definitely created some dissention for Susan Phillips while both at the housing inspection department

    May 22, 2018 at 9:05 AM

    Speaking of Susan Phillips, are you aware that Jake Day fired her? She was a much better employee than Tom Stevenson will ever be. At least she did get a college degree from Wor Where Tom Stevenson is too dumb and lazy to get one.

    1. I totally agree!! Tom Stevenson has NO business even being employed at the city of Salisbury let alone being given leadership positions. His biggest qualification is he has no pride about how far he'll go to kiss the bosses ass. She has ALL the dirt on Day and Stevenson but Day allowed her to retain some sort of benefits to leave the city for her mistakes as code enforcement manager. There is a lot of dirt there on Day and Stevenson and trust me this isn't the first time Day has sexually harassed females while being with Salisbury city government

  63. Anonymous said...
    631-Nicole attempted a career in modeling before moving onto reporting the news. Money talks.

    May 22, 2018 at 6:46 AM

    "Attempted" is the key word.

  64. Anonymous said...
    Ok, would someone please tell me who this is? I never watch TV news if I can help it.

    May 21, 2018 at 7:13 PM

    If you don't watch TV news then you wouldn't know if we told you. Too bad....

  65. Anonymous said...
    Her booty somewhat makes up for her horse face, tho...

    May 21, 2018 at 12:58 PM

    I would like to see what your face looks like. Must be someone who is jealous.

  66. Anonymous said...
    OMG. Your REALLY reading to much into this. Heart flirt?? Wow. I heard it all now. LMAO.

    May 22, 2018 at 10:55 AM

    Good one Jake, LMAO

    Yes, it is a flirt with a heart you dumb moron. What married man is looking at a single, tanned, HOT woman? I guarantee you that your wife wouldn't approve of it. It's a flirt no matter how you look at it. No married man should be flirting with any woman. What are you doing on her Instagram page for anyway?

  67. All I have to say is some of you have some bad taste in women!! If you were to see her with/without make-up its two different people. And I hate to say it but from the front and face she would definitely get the old "Adams apple" check from me. Too close to call

  68. How many men would approve of their wife or girlfriend looking at a single, hot male wearing nothing but a Speedo and a tan? I bet that would lead to a major argument if Jake Day saw his wife sending a heart flirt to a young stud on Instagram.

    Tell the truth, what guys think it would be ok if they caught their "accomplished" wife checking out the goods of a hot man on Instagram.

  69. Just a cover up for day we all no hes been hiding in that closet with them dam tight pants on lol out of all these comments not one has figured out his game come on now hes probably at the brick room now with the drags come on

  70. Looks like Jake day in drag to me

  71. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I totally agree!! Tom Stevenson has NO business even being employed at the city of Salisbury let alone being given leadership positions. His biggest qualification is he has no pride about how far he'll go to kiss the bosses ass. She has ALL the dirt on Day and Stevenson but Day allowed her to retain some sort of benefits to leave the city for her mistakes as code enforcement manager. There is a lot of dirt there on Day and Stevenson and trust me this isn't the first time Day has sexually harassed females while being with Salisbury city government

    May 23, 2018 at 3:54 AM

    I know he is guilty of sexual harassment of both men and women. We just need to get someone to come forward instead of waiting 40 years. He is a coward and he doesn't have the balls to admit he screwed up.

  72. Anonymous said...
    Just a cover up for day we all no hes been hiding in that closet with them dam tight pants on lol out of all these comments not one has figured out his game come on now hes probably at the brick room now with the drags come on

    May 22, 2018 at 4:38 PM

    Yes he is at the Brick Room for Transvestite Night and Fmr Mare Jim Liarton is the guest DJ.

    Jake Day is also there supporting his buddy Alex the gay bar owner in his run against Mark Kilmer for county council.

  73. Anonymous said...
    Jakey boy Day is a so called member of you guessed it the uprising church in Hebron band the infamous number one narcissistic prick bill cropper. He's definitely been mentoring the sissy mayor

    May 22, 2018 at 8:30 AM

    Is that the Bill Cropper involved in doing some baseball coaching? Salvation Army? West Salisbury? Bennett High School?

    1. Yes that's the infamous one. The guys a legend in his own mind!! These guys are so phony. They hide behind their so called faith and positions in the community but as once again with Day pur in the right situations and circumstances they are all living by double standards. Day is a real snake, he's beating the bushes trying to get attention from anyone willing. It has to be hard going from an odd ball, not readily accepted to mayor of the city with access to resources to literally buy favor and popularity from different interest groups. You guys have a real dilemma coming down the road when all this guys wreckless spending doesn't recoup all the fantasy income he's cone up with

  74. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How many men would approve of their wife or girlfriend looking at a single, hot male wearing nothing but a Speedo and a tan? I bet that would lead to a major argument if Jake Day saw his wife sending a heart flirt to a young stud on Instagram.

    Tell the truth, what guys think it would be ok if they caught their "accomplished" wife checking out the goods of a hot man on Instagram.

    May 22, 2018 at 4:01 PM

    If my wife was flirting and commenting on sexually suggestive pictures of dudes on Facebook or Instagram I would kick her ass and then kick her to the girl. Then we would be in divorce court and I would fight for custody of the kids. I would also expose everything negative about her if she held a position like the Mayor of Salisbury. I would hold nothing back. "Payback is a Bitch!" "Karma is a Bitch!" Sound familiar?

  75. Anonymous said...
    All I have to say is some of you have some bad taste in women!! If you were to see her with/without make-up its two different people. And I hate to say it but from the front and face she would definitely get the old "Adams apple" check from me. Too close to call

    May 22, 2018 at 3:31 PM

    Is that you again Mrs. Day? You better call Barbara Trader as soon as possible if I was you.

  76. Jake Day isn't the only one flirting with Ms. Nicole. Bryan Records from the Salisbury Fire Department has been seen flirting with her on Facebook. Must be something about Jake and Bryan tag teaming her, sort of like they were tag teaming on the attacks on the Station 1 Volunteers.

  77. Anonymous said...
    Looks like Jake day in drag to me

    May 22, 2018 at 5:58 PM

    Well Jake has been known to dress in drag at the Brick Room in Salisbury and most recently at Reign.

  78. Anonymous said...
    Yes that's the infamous one. The guys a legend in his own mind!! These guys are so phony. They hide behind their so called faith and positions in the community but as once again with Day pur in the right situations and circumstances they are all living by double standards. Day is a real snake, he's beating the bushes trying to get attention from anyone willing. It has to be hard going from an odd ball, not readily accepted to mayor of the city with access to resources to literally buy favor and popularity from different interest groups. You guys have a real dilemma coming down the road when all this guys wreckless spending doesn't recoup all the fantasy income he's cone up with

    May 24, 2018 at 6:26 AM

    "It has to be hard going from an odd ball, not readily accepted to mayor of the city with access to resources to literally buy favor and popularity from different interest groups."

    This guy has always been an odd ball all the way back to elementary school. Never liked, just tolerated. He got beat up a lot so I wonder why he didn't become a cop to act tough with a badge and back up. So he decides to join the Army to play GI Joe the Weekend Warrior. The guy has never seen battle, but he is just like John Kerry taking picture or having pictures of him looking like he is being a hero. I love when he posts pictures of the Helicopters with all the green grass on the ground. Proof positive he is in the U.S. and not anywhere near the battleground in the Middle East. Jake Day is nothing but a coward and there are dumb a$$es out there like the SlowerEasternShoreNews Blogger that claim he is the best mayor salisbury ever had. Oh Really! Fake Jake is the only one that has ever hired buddies in top positions with absolutely no experience. ie. Julia Glanz, Pulcher and Kidsrow(Kids Club).

  79. Why isn't this the top post of the week or in the Top 5? It certainly has more comments then those do.

  80. May 23, 2018 at 9:55 PM;

    Are you talking about that attorney that advises her female clients to make unsubstantiated and false child abuse claims against their husbands to get the courts to throw the father out of their house while the wife files for divorce? She knows the courts will always throw the fathers out first, and investigate later. She also knows the courts will not charge the wife for making false claims. Worst of the worst.

  81. Jake day has turned into and absolute attention whore!! There's nothing about him that says character, integrity, or Christian husband and father. As far as his pastor these two are out of the same mold. Its all about them and their status and ego. The church cropper represents does amazing works and his wife is the engine that makes it go. She's an amazing woman of god and to loop her into the ignorance displayed by her husband isn't fair.

    1. You guys should lighten up on cropper, NOT!! What an absolute blow hard mouthpiece!! He's probably In a deep deep state of depression. He absolutely abused his privilege as a pastor to get his kid into college to play baseball. After all the BS write ups in the "daily rag" about how great he was. His baseball playing days are over and no chance for bill cropper to mouth off about his pro baseball playing son. Boy did this guy get knocked off his pedestal and get humbled

    2. 5th year senior with no eligibility left, no chance to fulfill their mlb draft fantasy and yet five years of college and NO degree yet?? This whole bunch starting with Day as mayor will make you sick with how they take advantage of their appointed positions and make it all about them.

  82. Accomplished? Since when is a school teacher low on the totem pole become accomplished?

    May 23, 2018 at 9:55 PM;

    My, aren't you rude and ignorant. Let me answer that for you. When it's YOUR wife, or YOUR child, or YOUR mother, or a relative that goes and earns a college degree that qualifies them for the job. Yes, those of us that have, and know the value of a higher education know what "accomplished" is. Your lack of understanding and comprehension tells a lot about you. To be kind, you are uneducated and unqualified to judge a person's accomplishments. To not be so kind, you are evil and mean. Your comment is not worth the time to read it.

  83. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Accomplished? Since when is a school teacher low on the totem pole become accomplished?

    May 23, 2018 at 9:55 PM;

    My, aren't you rude and ignorant. Let me answer that for you. When it's YOUR wife, or YOUR child, or YOUR mother, or a relative that goes and earns a college degree that qualifies them for the job. Yes, those of us that have, and know the value of a higher education know what "accomplished" is. Your lack of understanding and comprehension tells a lot about you. To be kind, you are uneducated and unqualified to judge a person's accomplishments. To not be so kind, you are evil and mean. Your comment is not worth the time to read it.

    May 24, 2018 at 3:03 PM

    Thanks Liz, now go back and stalk Nicole on her IG account again.

  84. May 23, 2018 at 9:55 PM;

    Are you talking about that attorney that advises her female clients to make unsubstantiated and false child abuse claims against their husbands to get the courts to throw the father out of their house while the wife files for divorce? She knows the courts will always throw the fathers out first, and investigate later. She also knows the courts will not charge the wife for making false claims. Worst of the worst.

    May 24, 2018 at 2:46 PM

    That's her. Been there and done that. She is a POS attorney. F the judges that sides with her.

  85. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You guys should lighten up on cropper, NOT!! What an absolute blow hard mouthpiece!! He's probably In a deep deep state of depression. He absolutely abused his privilege as a pastor to get his kid into college to play baseball. After all the BS write ups in the "daily rag" about how great he was. His baseball playing days are over and no chance for bill cropper to mouth off about his pro baseball playing son. Boy did this guy get knocked off his pedestal and get humbled

    May 24, 2018 at 5:19 PM

    LOL!! Don't we have a sh!tty athletics program in Wicomico County that lets anyone coach so that their child can play sports. Look at Bill Cropper at Bennett, David Owens at Bennett, Chris Burkhardt at Parkside, Otis Elzey at Wicomico High School. There are several others I could name as well, but since this is a dismal year and last year I will mention their names. That cropper kid wasn't that good at baseball and his daddy forced his way in so that he could make sure that Little Cropper could get some playing action for the college coaches. Yeah, his playing days are over. He can come back home and play girly softball in the County league.

  86. Anonymous said...
    5th year senior with no eligibility left, no chance to fulfill their mlb draft fantasy and yet five years of college and NO degree yet?? This whole bunch starting with Day as mayor will make you sick with how they take advantage of their appointed positions and make it all about them.

    May 24, 2018 at 5:45 PM

    Jake Day and Bill Cropper have been nothing but a failure for everyone connected to them. What a disgrace in this city and county.

  87. Anonymous said...
    5th year senior with no eligibility left, no chance to fulfill their mlb draft fantasy and yet five years of college and NO degree yet?? This whole bunch starting with Day as mayor will make you sick with how they take advantage of their appointed positions and make it all about them.

    May 24, 2018 at 5:45 PM

    So why didn't the boy get his college degree in 4 years like most normal full time students do?

  88. Bill cropper like Jake day will find the latest news or crisis and latch on to it and put their two cents on looking for praise and acknowledgement. Look at day with Salisbury's latest stooge O'Hare and this confederate sign downtown. The majority of us didn't even know it was there. Then you have cropper when Haiti was hit with devastation he latched on to a few of the churches members desire to do the usual mission work. No respect for douche bags like these two who sit back and ride on tailcoats of others and try to take all the glory for such good work. If you ever doubted if the so called "Napoleon syndrome" was true get to know either of these piss ants

  89. We can only hope someone will come forward and hold the likes of Jake day and Tom Stevenson accountable for their sexual harassment while being in Salisbury government management positions. As for as Bill Cropper it couldn't have happened to a better person. His kid got his ass handed to him at the collegiate level. Evey year it was praise and shout how this was rge year. Five years of frustration and rejection should finally shut him up about being a baseball guru

  90. Joe it's unbelievable how quiet things get when you expose a topic that hits so close to home and obviously has truth to it. Usually Jake day's minions would be firing back with some kind of defense. That also goes for cropper's cult followers. Great job once again Mr Albero

  91. Im in absolute heaven hearing about cropper getting knocked down a notch. He used the good old 501c3 benefits and got that kid any and all exposure available and access to the best baseball teachers going. This including professional coaches, former mlb players and it was hard to watch how badly the kid struggled. I guess once you got out of the bayside he got swallowed up by the real ballers. It would have been unbearable to listen to all of bill cropper's BS if the kid actually got a shot at pro ball. From what I read giving up 4 homers and hitting four batters to end the season was a perfect ending to the drama

  92. Hey Bill Cropper from all of us you walked on at Bennett baseball to make your son look like some phenom CONGRATS!! Truth be told its your fault the kid ended up needing tommy john surgery and never being able to regain confidence and perform at the collegiate level. Man karma is a bitch

  93. Anonymous said...
    Hey Bill Cropper from all of us you walked on at Bennett baseball to make your son look like some phenom CONGRATS!! Truth be told its your fault the kid ended up needing tommy john surgery and never being able to regain confidence and perform at the collegiate level. Man karma is a bitch

    May 25, 2018 at 10:04 AM

    Of Course it is Crazy Croppers fault that Little Cropper needed TJ Surgery because he over pitched the kid. There is NO WAY kids should be pitching curve balls at their young age. Not only pitching curve balls, but over pitching these kids with Little League, Travel Ball, High School. The kids over do it because of their parents.

    Little League came up with pitch counts because of idiots like Bill Cropper.


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