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Thursday, May 24, 2018

48 Hours Later, Media Still Keeps Dems' Total Collapse in Reuters Poll a Secret

On Monday, Reuters/Ipsos announced that the Democratic Party's strong lead on the generic ballot question, which had remained stable for most of 2018, had rapidly collapsed over the prior week.

The #BlueWave narrative -- the media's all-but-concluded assumption that Democrats would retake the House of Representatives from the GOP in November -- has largely been based on the state of the generic ballot poll. So you might assume the media tasked with covering the 2018 midterm elections would immediately react to a sudden shift in the most important metric available for predicting the most important outcome of those elections.

They did not. Yesterday, I published an article titled: "24 Hours Later, Not One Mainstream Outlet Has Covered Dems' Total Collapse in Reuters Poll".

You might assume the media couldn't possibly ignore Tuesday's and Wednesday's game-changing news: the poll was no outlier.



  1. I couldn't give a crap less about polls. I know what the feeling is in the country.

    Dumbocrats are going to loose and loose big!

  2. Didn't they also have a poll that hildabeast was going to win?


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