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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

114 Conservative Leaders Urge Jordan to Run for Speaker

A group of 144 conservative leaders signed a letter Monday urging Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to run for speaker of the House because “it’s time to clean house” with a “real race” to “drain the swamp.”

The signers said they support Jordan because “the present House Republican leadership has proven that it’s part of ‘the Swamp,'” not the solution to it.

“Consequently, a vote to promote any member of today’s House GOP leadership is a vote for the Swamp. It’s time to Clean House,” the letter continued. “There must be a real race for Speaker of the House. Now. No backroom deals. A real race, starting this spring, to make every incumbent and candidate commit on the record, as a campaign issue, whether they’ll vote to save the Swamp or drain it.”

The conservative leaders urged Jordan to “declare yourself as a candidate for Speaker at once … We write to you on behalf of millions of Americans who want Congress to Drain the Swamp.”


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