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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

YouTube shooter's father warned police

The father of the woman who shot three people and then took her own life at YouTube's headquarters on Tuesday warned police that his daughter hated the company.

Nasim Aghdam, 39, had told her family a few weeks ago that YouTube had 'stopped everything,' and 'she was angry,' Ismail Aghdam told The Mercury News.

Ismail Aghdam said the family called police on Monday to report his daughter missing after she failed to answer her cellphone for two days.

He added that he even warned police that she might be heading to YouTube's headquarters because she 'hated' the company.

On Tuesday around 2am, Mountain View Police called the family to report that they had found Nasim sleeping in her car and that everything was 'under control'.



  1. The police could not do a thing , at that time no laws were broken . Anyway nobody in California likes the police , if I were the cops I would have sent her on the way and wished her happy hunting , after she told the cops she was on a hunting trip.

  2. 11 that's the sad truth

  3. has anyone else noticed that no one is talking about the type of gun used in this incident? must not have been a high capacity AR-15 variant... that wouldn't fit the narrative, so must be ignored.

  4. CNN she was a Liberal MUSLIM what say you ?

  5. Law enforcement can not become involved until AFTER a crime has been committed. It's called prior restraint.

  6. This killer was a Muslim, another member of that "Peaceful Religion".

  7. Who was the culprit the Liberal or the gun ?

  8. Damn guns they just keep killing , how do they get away with it. I keep a close watch on my guns and don't let them do these bad things.


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