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Friday, April 13, 2018

Who Will Investigate the Investigators?

Who was raided and who wasn't raided illustrates the corrupt politics at play in Mueller's probe.

On Monday, the idea that the probe being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is about “Russian collusion” was revealed to be utterly fraudulent. Despite ongoing cooperation by President Donald Trump and his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, the latter man’s office, home and hotel room were raided by the FBI. In short, the investigation into Russian collusion has expanded to what it was most likely about from the beginning: getting Trump — by any means necessary.

Attorney Alan Dershowitz, progressive idol-turned-pariah due to his penchant for embracing intellectual honesty over ideological demagoguery, put it best. “If this were Hillary Clinton, the ACLU would be on every TV station in America jumping up and down,” he asserted. “The deafening silence of the ACLU and civil libertarians about the intrusion into the lawyer-client confidentiality is really appalling.”

Later on, he called that intrusion unconstitutional.

Dershowitz insisted Mueller is staying within the confines of the Russian collusion case parameters and “farming out” what appears to be an effort to investigate Cohen for “bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations, according to three people with knowledge of the case,” as The Washington Post reports (or is that leaks?). Nonetheless, those parameters are the epitome of a double standard that may rank as one of the most egregious in the nation’s history.

If this investigation is really about Russian collusion, where are the commensurate raids and/or executions of search warrants against Perkins Coie attorney Marc E. Elias, who represented the Clinton campaign and the DNC, as well as retained Fusion GPS, which compiled the infamous Steele dossier?

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1 comment:

  1. Hillary and the Democrats received lots of money from the Russians isn't it all part of Russian collusion?


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