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Monday, April 09, 2018

We Hear You: Progressives’ Sour-Grapes Assault on the Electoral College

Dear Daily Signal: Regarding Jarrett Stepman’s commentary, “Progressive Activists Look to Courts to Undermine the Electoral College,” perhaps a countersuit is needed to mandate that all states adopt the Electoral College (or a similar system) within their jurisdictions.

As is, highly populated cities with minimum land mass within many states dictate voter outcome for the majority of land mass within each state. This enables liberals to convert states to leftist ideas while rendering votes cast outside large population centers meaningless.

Essentially, city dwelling liberals are thereby allowed to silence conservative value rural residents.—Ron Dale



  1. We absolutely need the electoral college at the state level.

    The socialist Republic of Maryland is a perfect example. 90% of the state voted for Trump and were overruled by the concentrations of libtards in Baltimore and Annapolis! That was for the federal election. For the local state representatives, the same thing happens - Baltimorons and Annapaholes overrule the majority of the state!

    1. Empty land doesn’t get a vote, moron. People vote. 90+% of the people in MD vote democrat. Get on board with losing or feel free to leave - lord knows those “baltimorons” and “annapaholes” need you less than you need their tourism


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