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Monday, April 30, 2018

Washington in uproar over 'disgusting' White House Correspondents' dinner comedy routine

Conservatives Saturday night and Sunday criticized the tenor and character of the White House Correspondents’ dinner after comedian Michelle Wolf ripped into Trump administration officials.

Wolf stunned the crowd at Saturday night’s dinner with biting jokes about President Trump and his White House, including top aides like counselor Kellyanne Conway and press secretary Sarah Sanders, who attended the dinner in his stead.

Trump, as he did in 2017, skipped the dinner in order to hold a campaign rally in Washington, Mich.

Many Washington conservatives felt the dinner was unnecessarily cruel toward Conway and Sanders, and other Republicans.

“My wife @mercedesschlapp and I walked out early from the wh correspondents dinner. Enough of elites mocking all of us,” said Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union, in a Twitter post.

Wolf also told a joke about abortionthat outraged conservatives.

The joke centered on Vice President Mike Pence's anti-abortion position.

“He thinks abortion is m



  1. All I can say is Sarah Saunders is a class act! I give her credit for not getting up and leaving. She deserves an apology, but then again, I would not look for this in the liberal media.
    At least some of them in the media acknowledged that the comments were mean spirited and over the top. I have a feeling this will be the last dinner.

  2. Why do conservatives bother going to this bash and slash? Hell, I stopped going to family events where conservatives are outnumbered. Just not worth the aggravation.

  3. Time to ban the press from daily news releases. Once a week release some news about what bills have been passed, nothing more!

  4. I simply disagree about Ms. Saunders.
    A loyal employee - OK
    Classy? Not so much.

    Got the job pretty easily, don't you think?

  5. Realist....Bob AswellApril 30, 2018 at 11:18 AM

    My guess is Saunders took in account the source of the ribbing. It came from a mixed race, poorly educated, reprobate of a comedian, who finally got the chance to be among those considered to be the 'elite class' and strut her un-refined ignorance. A 'professional person' in entertainment peruses the body and class of the audience and tailors the performance to the crowd. This is what ANY tradesman does so they get another referral and reference. This is called second sales. No repeat business....no business.
    However, In this case the needle and the button matched. Those in attendance and the hired help who organized and facilitated this trash were one in the same. They were all dressed in finery and purported to be professional journalists but really showed their 'true colors' and their individual ignorance in matters of attention affecting this United States. Fortunately the electorate had the chance to see all the phonies in one covey and this among other things will bring a resolve at the polls which will be GOOD for the republicans in November. Thank God they're NOT as smart as they let on because people get tired of the same old seventy-six, and Trump and his people have been the whipping boys long enough.
    Realist....Bob Aswell


  6. This particular dinner has been on a downhill slide for quite some time.

    They took a bit of a break from the personal insults in the Obama years a) because they worshiped him and b) his fragile psyche would have retaliated for anything actually pointed or critical.

    President Trump is to be commended for correctly assessing that it was a snakepit last year and finding a more productive use of his time. So too, this year. Next year, The White House can't be faulted for sending no one to be a victim of this hate.

    One row of uncomfortable chairs or stools should suffice for the daily press briefing. Let them rotate into the ten seats.



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